Podcasts Archives - fnvaworld.org https://fnvaworld.org/category/podcasts/ Himalaya Frontier Studies Tue, 05 Mar 2024 16:28:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://286358.n3cdn1.secureserver.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/fnalogo.ico?time=1721937021 Podcasts Archives - fnvaworld.org https://fnvaworld.org/category/podcasts/ 32 32 192142590 Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans https://fnvaworld.org/unsilenced-voices-of-young-tibetans-8/ Tue, 05 Mar 2024 16:04:11 +0000 https://fnvaworld.org/?p=28050 WATCH IT HERE :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBKbhrihz9U Conversation with Thupten Rinzin La Hosted by Tenzing Dhamdul, FNVA In an insightful conversation on the Unsilenced: Voices of…

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WATCH IT HERE :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBKbhrihz9U
Conversation with Thupten Rinzin La
Hosted by Tenzing Dhamdul, FNVA

In an insightful conversation on the Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans podcast series, we had the privilege to speak with Thupten Rinzin la. He was the then Coordinator of the India Tibet Coordination Office and shares his personal journey, experiences and future aspirations. Revealing the answer to the big question which we all ask and that is of how does one become a Civil Servant at the Central Tibetan Administration also known as the Tibetan
Government in Exile?

Thupten Rinzin provides a comprehensive account of his journey within the Central Tibetan Administration also known at the Tibetan Government-in-Exile since his induction in 2014, illuminating various avenues for involvement in civil service within it. Serving as the former Coordinator of the India Tibet Coordination Office, headquartered in New Delhi, he delves into the strategic initiatives devised to bolster support networks for Tibetans residing in India,
with a special emphasis on empowering the younger generation through targeted engagement programs.

Drawing from personal experience, Thupten Rinzin reflects on the transformative impact of the Tibetan Scholarship Program, an initiative spearheaded by the US government in collaboration with the Tibet Fund. As a beneficiary of this program, which facilitates the pursuit of higher education in the United States for Tibetan refugees, he highlights its
profound contribution to the holistic development of the Tibetan diaspora.

Despite transitioning from his role as Coordinator, Thupten Rinzin’s enduring commitment to the Central Tibetan Administration remains palpable. His ongoing efforts serve as a testament to the unwavering dedication towards advancing the interests of the Tibetan community and cultivating mutually beneficial partnerships for its sustained growth and prosperity.

Disclaimer: This session was recorded during Thupten Rinzin’s tenure as the Coordinator of the India Tibet Coordination Office. While he currently serves in the Social and Resource Development Fund (SARD) of the Central Tibetan Administration in Dharamshala, his insights remain valuable.

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The Sino-Indian Boundary: A Historical Background with emphasis on the Ladakh sector: https://fnvaworld.org/the-sino-indian-boundary-a-historical-background-with-emphasis-on-the-ladakh-sector/ Tue, 09 Jan 2024 15:13:10 +0000 https://fnvaworld.org/?p=27886 Watch it here:  https://youtu.be/aM_U18P7D-4?si=zRZBm6SdStXSKOGD https://youtu.be/nTwPQFcKyF0?si=fQHM2pAXFzbfUdv- With Claude Arpi                                                The Fault Lines is a series by FNVA that discuss developments occurring on our Indian…

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Watch it here: 

With Claude Arpi                                             
The Fault Lines is a series by FNVA that discuss developments occurring on our Indian
frontiers. Engaging extensively with the Universities on these regions and bringing them to
the fore.

The episode of the Fault Lines unfolds a riveting exploration into the historical context of the
Sino-Indian boundary, with a particular focus on the Ladakh sector. Claude Arpi, an
esteemed author, Tibet expert, Advisor at FNVA, and Director of the Pavilion of Tibetan
Culture at Auroville, takes center stage as he delves into the intricacies of the region.
Moderated by Professor Sonam Joldan from the University of Ladakh, the episode serves as
a crucial discourse addressed to the academic community, shedding light on the nuanced
dynamics of the Sino-Indian boundary.

The session is divided into two parts on our YouTube handle.

Part 1: Historical Background and Significance of Ladakh in the India-China Boundary: In the
initial part of the episode, Claude Arpi provides a comprehensive overview of the historical
background and significance of Ladakh in the context of the India-China boundary.
Previously part of the India-Tibet border, Ladakh holds a pivotal position in the geopolitical
landscape. Arpi, skillfully navigates through the historical developments, tracing the
evolution of the boundary and setting the stage for a deeper understanding of the Ladakh

Part 2: Tibet and Tibetans in the Ladakh Sector – Recent Developments and the Dalai Lama’s
Central Role: The second part of Claude Arpi’s discourse delves into the role of Tibet and
Tibetans in the Ladakh sector of the Indian border. He sheds light on recent developments
in the region, unravelling the intricate connections between the current geopolitical
scenario and the erstwhile independent Tibet. He emphasizes the central role played by the
Dalai Lama in this region, adding a layer of complexity to the dynamics between Ladakh,
Tibet, and contemporary China.

Some Key Highlights from this episode:
1. Historical Evolution: He skillfully traces the historical evolution of Ladakh’s
significance in the India-China boundary, offering a nuanced perspective on the
region’s geopolitical importance.

2. Ladakh’s Transition: The discourse unveils Ladakh’s transition from being the India-
Tibet border to its current status in the India-China boundary, providing insights into
the changing dynamics of the region.

3. Tibet’s Influence: He elucidates the role of Tibet and Tibetans in the Ladakh sector,
connecting the historical threads to contemporary developments and highlighting
the enduring influence of Tibet on the region.

4. Dalai Lama’s Central Role: The episode underscores the central role of the Dalai
Lama in shaping the dynamics of the Ladakh sector, emphasizing his continued
significance in the context of the evolving Sino-Indian boundary.

Claude Arpi’s insightful discourse in “The Fault Lines” second episode not only enriches our
understanding of the historical background and significance of Ladakh but also brings to the
forefront the intricate connections between Ladakh, Tibet, and the contemporary
geopolitical landscape. The report encapsulates the multi-faceted dimensions explored by
Arpi, providing a valuable resource for scholars, policymakers, and enthusiasts seeking a
deeper comprehension of the fault lines in the Sino-Indian boundary, particularly in the
Ladakh sector.

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Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans https://fnvaworld.org/unsilenced-voices-of-young-tibetans-7/ Mon, 08 Jan 2024 14:05:30 +0000 https://fnvaworld.org/?p=27879 WATCH IT HERE :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueJ7ruCuifg Conversation with Tenzin Passang La Hosted by Tenzing Dhamdul, FNVA In a compelling and enlightening podcast episode, we delved…

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WATCH IT HERE :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueJ7ruCuifg

Conversation with Tenzin Passang La
Hosted by Tenzing Dhamdul, FNVA

In a compelling and enlightening podcast episode, we delved into the world of Tenzin
Passang, a young Tibetan women who currently is the India National Director of Students
for a Free Tibet.

Tenzin Passang passionately unfolded the genesis of Students for a Free Tibet, a globally
recognized Tibet Support Group. She shed light on the driving forces that led her to become
an integral part of this organization, emphasizing the commitment to advocating for the
rights and freedom of the Tibetan people living under occupation.

A focal point of the conversation was the critical role that SFT plays in countering the
misleading narratives propagated by Beijing concerning Tibet. She highlighted the various
initiatives orchestrated by SFT to raise awareness and provide the Tibetan perspective on
the situation in Tibet. This underscores the organization’s dedication to fostering a
comprehensive understanding of the Tibetan struggle for freedom.

The conversation delved into the specific initiatives undertaken by Students for a Free Tibet.
She elucidated on the multifaceted approaches employed by the organization to challenge
the status quo, emphasizing the importance of a proactive stance in addressing the complex
circumstances faced by Tibet.

A poignant glimpse into her personal journey unfolded as she recounted her time at
Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). The profound impact of her experiences at JNU on her
perspective and activism became evident, underscoring the transformative power of
education and intellectual discourse in shaping individuals committed to social justice.

A particularly inspiring segment of the episode focused on her triumphant battle against
cancer. Her resilience and determination served as a testament to the strength of the
human spirit. Additionally, she shared the unwavering support she received from her family
and friends, illustrating the importance of a robust support system in overcoming adversity.

In summary, this podcast episode serves as a powerful narrative of courage, activism, and
personal triumph. It not only captures the essence of Students for a Free Tibet but also
provides a compelling insight into the life and journey of Tenzin Passang.

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Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans https://fnvaworld.org/unsilenced-voices-of-young-tibetans-6/ Mon, 16 Oct 2023 10:42:30 +0000 https://fnvaworld.org/?p=26566 WATCH IT HERE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJWuv1yjRyM  Conversation with Tenzin Shinyi La Hosted by Tenzing Dhamdul, FNVA In a heartfelt and enlightening conversation on the Unsilenced:…

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WATCH IT HERE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJWuv1yjRyM 

Conversation with Tenzin Shinyi La

Hosted by Tenzing Dhamdul, FNVA

In a heartfelt and enlightening conversation on the Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans podcast series, we had the privilege to speak with Tenzin Shinyi la. A young Tibetan woman who shares her personal journey, experiences and future aspirations. 

Born in India and grown up in Tibet, Shinyi la’s life has been marked by cultural transitions, challenges and with a profound connection to her Tibetan heritage which she proudly dons and treasures it close to her heart. Her insights shed light on the complexities of identity, education and the resilience of Tibetans both in occupied Tibet, the diaspora and in exile.

She further shares her contrasting experiences of schooling and learning in higher academia from her Chinese schools in Chengdu to Tibetan Schools and Institutions she has and currently studies at in India. “As an outcome of discrimination, I was forced to try every method possible to look like a Chinese, to speak like a Chinese, to dress like a Chinese and even think like a Chinese – just to be accepted” says Tenzin Shinyi on the severe level of discrimination a Tibetan experience in Chengdu. All of which was a stark contrast when she returned to India for her further studies. Yet even in such an adverse environ she states that the Tibetans and their love for Tibetan Culture remain firm and thrives.

While studying she has simultaneously been leading and part of several pivotal organisations that are shaping the narratives on our Tibetan diaspora namely The Global Tibetan People’s Movement for Middle Way Approach (GTPMMWA), Tibetan College Students’ Conference and Monlam AI to name a few. She tells us how through these various agencies she has learnt a lot and her appreciation of being a Tibetan grows stronger each day being part of such bodies. Furthermore, she highlights some of the future initiatives which the GTPMMWA will be taking forward and how the Middle Way Approach is a viable solution for both Tibet and China in resolving the Tibet-China Conflict as both parties involved here win.

On her vision on the future of Tibet, she mentions that it is one where His Holiness the Dalai Lama imparts teachings at the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet, where families are not forcibly separated, and where Tibetan culture thrives. Further stating that there are also avenues where our community can bring especially in the context of the patriarchal system we have. She narrates her own experience here and how certain Tibetan Civil Society bodies namely Drokmo and the Tibetan Women Empowerment Desk were of great help to her.

In her closing message, she urges and requests Tibetans to preserve their cultural identities and appreciates the continued support from global Tibet supporters. She emphasized the interconnectedness of humanity and how solidarity with Tibetans contributes to a more peaceful world.

Shinyi’s journey reflects the resilience and determination of Tibetans worldwide to preserve their culture and advocate for their rights.

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Roof of the World: Tibet in Context with Ethan Gutmann https://fnvaworld.org/roof-of-the-world-tibet-in-context-with-ethan-gutmann/ Tue, 12 Sep 2023 08:09:54 +0000 https://fnvaworld.org/?p=25514 Conversation with: Ethan Gutmann, Author Hosted by Kate Saunders, FNVA Senior Fellow Youtube link : https://youtu.be/PbwD9h2eHJE?si=IqqZneyM35vdY5NY    US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said…

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Conversation with: Ethan Gutmann, Author

Hosted by Kate Saunders, FNVA Senior Fellow

Youtube link : https://youtu.be/PbwD9h2eHJE?si=IqqZneyM35vdY5NY 


US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said on May 9:  “We’re concerned by reports of the spread of mass DNA collection to Tibet as an additional form of control and surveillance over the Tibetan population.”

What if the mass DNA collection in Tibet isn’t only about surveillance in a dystopian police state – but has a further disturbing purpose?  

American company Thermo Fisher Scientific is a key supplier of DNA profiling technology to Chinese police.  

Our guest today, Ethan Gutmann, makes a chilling hypothesis. What if Thermo Fisher has been involved in a process to discover if one person’s vital organs could fit into another person’s body?

Our podcast brings together horrifying research on the killing of Falun Gong practitioners and Uyghurs for their organs in China. The China Tribunal in London in 2019 concluded that for decades, prisoners have been killed and their organs sold across the world including to people in Western countries and the Gulf states.

In our discussion, Ethan Gutmann talks about his difficult and dangerous research talking to courageous survivors of prison camps in Xinjiang, and how he pieced together evidence of connections between disappearances from the prison camps, and hospitals and transplant centres in China. He describes how green lanes for organ transfers at airports in East Turkestan appeared at around the same time as the construction of new crematoriums in the same area.

Our discussion covers:

  1. The alarming implications of Thermo Fisher selling DNA profiling kits to Chinese police. UN Rapporteurs have warned about the risk that so-called ‘health checks’ involving DNA collection in the PRC among Uyghurs, Tibetans, Christians and Falun Gong practitioners are then used to create a living organ database. Thermo Fisher said it stopped selling DNA profiling kits to police in Xinjiang in 2019. But it has provided no such assurances with regard to Tibet.
  2. Why Ethan required a personal security detail to make a keynote address to the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. This elite body of surgeons has now made a statement saying they do not support their Chinese counterparts in procuring organs from executed prisoners.
  3. Increasing international attention on a multi-billion dollar industry in China  has culminated in the U.S. Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Act of 2023. This specifies the imposition of serious sanctions on any person determined to be funding or facilitating the forced removal of organs, with penalties including imprisonment for up to 20 years.
  4. An amendment on organ tourism criminalizing the selling of organs from China has been passed in the House of Commons in the UK. The European Parliament adopted a resolution in May calling on member states to ensure that cooperation agreements with China on health and research respect EU ethical principles, and to revisit their collaborations with Chinese institutions on transplant medicine.  

Ethan talked to us while in London for the first conference of the World Uyghur Christian Union. This was set up by Dr Enver Bugda Tohti, a former cancer surgeon from Xinjiang who has testified with such courage to the practice of forced organ harvesting.


Sources and links:

Ethan Gutmann revealed chilling information about the harvesting of organs from Falun Gong practitioners in his book The Slaughter, and updated findings published in 2016 together with David Kilgour and David Matas (https://www.youtube.com/@EndTransplantAbuse).  

WATCH Ethan Gutmann’s presentation on forced organ harvesting in Xinjiang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hJcmKMEqhY

Independent Tribunal Into Forced Organ Harvesting from Prisoners of Conscience in China Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naJFMfDv3Tc  Final Judgement and Summary: https://chinatribunal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/ChinaTribunal_-SummaryJudgment_17June2019.pdf 

Human Rights Watch report on how Tibetans have been subjected to so-called ‘health checks’ and the collection of DNA on a mass scale https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/09/05/china-new-evidence-mass-dna-collection-tibet.

The testimony of Dr Enver Bugda Tohti, Uyghur cancer surgeon, on being compelled to carry out a transplant on an executed prisoner in 1998: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABaLZHIjks8 

How Dr Enver exposed increasing cancer rates in Xinjiang linked to Chinese nuclear testing – documentary, ‘Death on the Silk Road’, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PRb8Xcdxp8 

Dr. Jacob Lavee and Matthew Robertson published findings in a peer-reviewed US medical journal mentioned during the interview with Ethan including the following: “71 papers gave explicit descriptions of surgeons appearing to violate the dead donor rule while procuring hearts from prisoners. In plain language, the papers appear to show that the donors, who were prisoners, were alive at the time of surgery, and were killed by the transplant surgeons in the process of heart extraction.” (‘Execution by organ procurement: Breaching the dead donor rule in China’ by Matthew P Robertson, Jacob Lavee, 4 April 2022, American Journal of Transplantation, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ajt.16969).

The response from the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) :  https://endtransplantabuse.org/international-society-for-heart-and-lung-transplantation-issues-policy-regarding-transplant-abuse-in-china/

Doctors against Forced Organ Harvesting, https://dafoh.org/

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Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans https://fnvaworld.org/unsilenced-voices-of-young-tibetans-5/ Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:03:58 +0000 https://fnvaworld.org/?p=25498 WATCH IT HERE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtlXH6MMTtM  Conversation with His Eminence the 9th Kunsang Dorjie Rinpoche La Hosted by Tenzing Dhamdul, FNVA   The Unsilenced: Voices…

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WATCH IT HERE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtlXH6MMTtM 

Conversation with His Eminence the 9th Kunsang Dorjie Rinpoche La

Hosted by Tenzing Dhamdul, FNVA


The Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans podcast session saw FNVA engage with His Eminence the 9th Kunsang Dorjie Rinpoche la. Rinpoche shares with us his insights on the Tibetan Tradition of Buddhism, how it came to Tibet from India, what is its current status both in occupied Tibet and the Tibetan diaspora and several other significant themes.


Rinpoche brought to light the grim condition of Tibetan Buddhism in occupied Tibet through his own personal anecdotes stating that “I have been to Tibet 3 times in my life and have seen the situation first hand. People are being watched over every single moment of their lives, they are not allowed to practice their religion and culture freely. Monks and lamas are not allowed to teach in the monasteries there until they undergo Communist Re-education.” 


Rinpoche also tackled and talked about the much deliberated topic of reincarnation, emanation as a form of reincarnation and the politics involved in it. Rinpoche tells us “He thinks like His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama stated, the institutes of the Dalai Lama would be deeply dependent on the 6 million Tibetans”. He also lucidly explained Emanation as a form of reincarnation, giving live examples of it – the famous Buddhist Tibetan teacher Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo being one of them and mentioned that though rare, it is a method that is utilised in the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism. Rinpoche expounded on how Beijing makes a joke and complete mockery about this very sacred process through its “Golden Urn” selection system, making the whole process into a lottery with the irony being here that they claim to have authority over reincarnation of Tibetan Lamas, revered monks and Rinpoches based on this.


Before concluding the session, Rinpoche blessed us all with the Holy Bone Relics of Lord Buddha and shared to us all in public the genesis and tale behind this very Holy Relic. “This relic was handed over to me by an old monk at midnight, who wanted me to take it out of Tibet, this Relic was hidden in an butter lamp during the cultural revolution destruction that occurred in Tibet” says H.E. the 9th Kunsang Dorjie Rinpoche.

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Roof of the World: Tibet in Context https://fnvaworld.org/roof-of-the-world-tibet-in-context-2/ Fri, 28 Jul 2023 12:33:27 +0000 https://fnvaworld.org/?p=25448 Hosted by Kate Saunders, FNVA Senior Fellow Youtube link : https://youtu.be/fHjjqnn7ZEI For this episode of Tibet in Context, we focus on the life of…

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Hosted by Kate Saunders, FNVA Senior Fellow

Youtube link : https://youtu.be/fHjjqnn7ZEI

For this episode of Tibet in Context, we focus on the life of the 10th Panchen Rinpoche in Tibet, who worked to protect the Tibetan language, culture and religion with the 6th Gungthang Rinpoche, whom many consider to be the right hand of the 10th Panchen Rinpoche – from the perspective of a Tibetan educationalist with personal experience of this very period and interaction with both Rinpoche’s. With Professor Gyal Lo being being close friends with the Gunthang Rinpoche.

After escaping from Tibet in 2020, Professor Gyal Lo presented His Holiness the Dalai Lama with his book about the remarkable life of Gungthang Rinpoche. In this episode, Professor Gyal Lo reflects on the entwined lives of these three great religious leaders, including:

  • How 21 years in Chinese prisons during the Cultural Revolution saved Gungthang
    Rinpoche’s life.
  • How learning Chinese and dialectical materialism in prison assisted Gungthang
    Rinpoche’s work upon release to rebuild monasteries and reinvigorate religious
    practice together with the Tenth Panchen Lama. And also how he learned music and to play instruments under such harsh circumstances which ushered in an era of Tibetan music that unites both those in occupied Tibet and the ones in the diaspora.
  • How, before his death, he risked everything to support the Dalai Lama’s
    recognition of Gendun Choekyi Nyima as the 11th Panchen Rinpoche – and Jiang Zemin’s role in protecting him.
  • How Gungthang Rinpoche and the 10th Panchen Rinpoche shared their scars after
    years in prison, and refused to give up nevertheless.
  • The installation of a reincarnate 7th Gungthang Rinpoche at Labrang monastery, and the impacts of his grandfather’s self-immolation.

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Roof of the World: Tibet in Context https://fnvaworld.org/roof-of-the-world-tibet-in-context/ Fri, 28 Jul 2023 12:29:31 +0000 https://fnvaworld.org/?p=25444 Hosted by Kate Saunders, FNVA Senior Fellow WATCH IT HERE:  https://youtu.be/8AVIUJxt7So  His Eminence Zeekgyab Rinpoche la was born in Kolhapur to Tibetan parents who…

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Hosted by Kate Saunders, FNVA Senior Fellow

WATCH IT HERE:  https://youtu.be/8AVIUJxt7So 

His Eminence Zeekgyab Rinpoche la was born in Kolhapur to Tibetan parents who were involved in Sweater selling business. At the age of 2, he was recognized by His Holiness the Dalai Lama as the reincarnation of the former Zeekgyab Rinpoche. Rinpoche was received at Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, South India, on September 14, 1986 with a formal ceremony led by many Tehor Lamas and monks.  After his Enthronement Ceremony at Tashi Lhunpo – which is the monastic seat of the Panchen Lama, Rinpoche started learning Tibetan reading and writing and the memorization of prayers. On February 11, 2019, Rinpoche had the official enthronement ceremony as Abbot of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery. Rinpoche has been spear heading the movement for the release of the Panchen Lama, giving testimonies at various governments and sharing the truth with the world.

The session with Zeekgyab Rinpoche covered many vital themes including who is the Panchen Lama? What is its significance? including the unique relationship shared between the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama, which is popularly referred to as the Sun and Moon respectively. Furthermore, he narrated how the late 10th Panchen Lama, played a pivotal role in preserving Tibetan culture, religion and heritage in Tibet under Chinese occupation. And how it is vital that the current Panchen Lama, namely Gedhun Choekyi Nyima should be receiving the proper teachings and transmissions that would enable him to carry forth the legacy of the 10th Panchen Lama and eventually pass it on to the next Panchen Lama thereby maintaining the lineage.

Rinpoche also engaged on the Chinese government appointed Panchen Lama, Gyaltsen Norbu and how there is nothing wrong with a Tibetan monk preserving Buddhism and Tibetan Culture. The only contention being here for Rinpoche that he is not the Panchen Lama, which is also backed by the monks of Tashi Lhunpo in Tibet. This reverence towards Gedhun Choekyi Nyima which directly implies support to His Holiness the Dalai Lama has seen them targeted by the Chinese authorities. 

The session concluded by Rinpoche stating that through the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, his monastery along with the Central Tibetan Administration and several NGO’s would continue to advocate for the immediate release of Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, who continues to remain in incognito since 17th May, 1996 along with his family. Giving him the unwanted tag of the world’s youngest political prisoner.

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The Western Sector of the Border in India-China Relation: https://fnvaworld.org/the-western-sector-of-the-border-in-india-china-relation/ Wed, 21 Jun 2023 16:16:56 +0000 https://fnvaworld.org/?p=25402 Watch it here: https://www.youtube.comwatch?v=c4w6WEdYT4w            With Professor Srikanth Kondapalli                                                The Fault Lines is a series by FNVA that discuss developments occurring on our Indian…

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Watch it here: https://www.youtube.comwatch?v=c4w6WEdYT4w           

With Professor Srikanth Kondapalli                                             


The Fault Lines is a series by FNVA that discuss developments occurring on our Indian frontiers. Engaging extensively with the Universities on these regions and bringing them to the fore. This Episode of The Fault Lines sees Professor Srikanth Kondapalli, the Dean of the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and FNVA Trustee addressing on the topic “Western Sector of the Border in India-China Relations’’. Professor Sonam Joldan from the University of Ladakh moderated the session and it was addressed to the University of Ladakh on 16th May, 2023. Professor Srikanth Kondapalli gives an overall take on the Western Sector in the Indian Border and gradually dwells into detail and complexity surrounding this. The lecture ends with an engaging Q and A session with the students and faculties of the University of Ladakh.

Professor Srikanth spoke on the Western Border and India’s China relations which include Ladakh, Aksai chin and Tibet with India and China heavily contesting over it. He mentioned “Tibet was Occupied by the Peoples Republic of China in 1951”. Prior to that Ladakh had several exchanges, sharing a unique relationship that also bordered rivalry with then independent Tibet. He then detailed the 1862 war between Ladakh and Tibet which extended up to north Eastern Aksai chin, further stressing upon the importance of the western sector.

Professor Srikanth mentioned two reasons why the western sector is important for India. Firstly, he highlighted the Geo-strategic location of Ladakh which has access to trade routes connecting to central Asia and China as well. Ladakh shares border with both China and Pakistan, making it a strategically important area for the two nations as well. However, due to Chinese aggression on the western sector, it let to the Siachen glacier conflicts between the two – this conflict took place at the highest battlefield in the known world. Secondly, after the 1962 Sino-Indian war Ladakh as a region was heavily devastated, crippling their former flourishing economy. Since then, with turn of century and with Ladakh becoming a union territory in 2019 it has grown back leads and bounds economically, reclaiming its former glory.

When it came to the Sino-Indian war of 1962. Professor stated that China under the leadership of Mao Zeadong had two main objectives; 

  1. New Delhi providing asylum to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama India in 1959, which China saw as India intervening in their internal affairs. which resulted in the 1300 Indian soldiers being killed and another 4000 being captured. 
  2. Nehru’s administration practiced a forward policy of setting up 120 outposts and roughly 80 of these were in Ladakh sector (Eastern Ladakh). Here he mentioned that it was China themselves that carry a forward policy from 1954 to 1957 by building the Karakoram high way. India after the 1962 war frozen the bilateral relation between India and China.

Since then, the relationship between the two countries have been hot and cold with the western sector being a region of escalated conflicts. China rises a Kashmir issue in the UN, working towards dismantling India’s claim over Kashmir but four other nations didn’t support it. Recently China’s expansionist policies have led to illegal encroachment in the Indian region of Galwan and Pangong lake, leading incident Galwan Valley.


Professor Srikanth suggested that India should continue to develop infrastructures in this region, to counter China’s 70,000 active soldiers who are stationed there. Until this issue is resolved both nations will continue to militarised the region.

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Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans https://fnvaworld.org/unsilenced-voices-of-young-tibetans-4/ Tue, 06 Jun 2023 11:54:00 +0000 https://fnvaworld.org/?p=25375 WATCH IT HERE : https://youtu.be/hZofOpvmBqM  Conversation with Tenzin Tsangpa La Hosted by Tenzing Dhamdul, FNVA   The Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans podcast session…

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WATCH IT HERE : https://youtu.be/hZofOpvmBqM 

Conversation with Tenzin Tsangpa La
Hosted by Tenzing Dhamdul, FNVA


The Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans podcast session saw FNVA engage with Tenzin Tsangpa, a Tibetan who on 21st May, 2023 while attending the Counter Strike: Global Offensive Finals at Paris proudly displayed the Tibetan National Flag. However this simple act of displaying one’s identity and nationality was not taken kindly by misinformed Chinese Mainlanders. As he was subsequently harassed, confronted and assaulted by them and eventually led to the Tibetan National Flag being stolen from him and which was later burned by them and shared on Weibo (Popular Chinese Social media App) by these unruly, radicalised and misinformed Chinese.

The podcast session with Tenzin Tsangpa engages upon this very incident as he shares with us all in detail what he really experienced during this whole unwarranted incident. With the displayal of the Tibetan National Flag even leading to the Live Stream of this popular gaming event being disrupted in Mainland China. Furthermore, we also engaged on his experience as a Tibetan who had grown up in India and is currently residing in France, with a sizeable number of Tibetans also living there nowadays.

Tenzin Tsangpa tells us “Not all Chinese are like that especially those who are settled in the west” making it clear to us how it is those very Chinese who have been misinformed and brainwashed through the systematic propaganda and censorship by the Communist Party of China (CCP). Further reiterating that the Chinese people living in the western world has more exposure and would not conduct themselves in such barbaric ways.

His concluded by stating that “I have accomplished my goal of spreading awareness about our cause, especially among the Chinese youths who are oblivious to it due to CCP propaganda and censorship”. With his message to us, especially to his own Tibetan sisters and brothers being “More Tibetans especially those like us, in our age group. I think they should take the initiative however small it may be as every step counts to solve the Tibet-China conflict”.

The post Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans appeared first on fnvaworld.org.
