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Conversation with Tenzin Shinyi La

Hosted by Tenzing Dhamdul, FNVA

In a heartfelt and enlightening conversation on the Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans podcast series, we had the privilege to speak with Tenzin Shinyi la. A young Tibetan woman who shares her personal journey, experiences and future aspirations. 

Born in India and grown up in Tibet, Shinyi la’s life has been marked by cultural transitions, challenges and with a profound connection to her Tibetan heritage which she proudly dons and treasures it close to her heart. Her insights shed light on the complexities of identity, education and the resilience of Tibetans both in occupied Tibet, the diaspora and in exile.

She further shares her contrasting experiences of schooling and learning in higher academia from her Chinese schools in Chengdu to Tibetan Schools and Institutions she has and currently studies at in India. “As an outcome of discrimination, I was forced to try every method possible to look like a Chinese, to speak like a Chinese, to dress like a Chinese and even think like a Chinese – just to be accepted” says Tenzin Shinyi on the severe level of discrimination a Tibetan experience in Chengdu. All of which was a stark contrast when she returned to India for her further studies. Yet even in such an adverse environ she states that the Tibetans and their love for Tibetan Culture remain firm and thrives.

While studying she has simultaneously been leading and part of several pivotal organisations that are shaping the narratives on our Tibetan diaspora namely The Global Tibetan People’s Movement for Middle Way Approach (GTPMMWA), Tibetan College Students’ Conference and Monlam AI to name a few. She tells us how through these various agencies she has learnt a lot and her appreciation of being a Tibetan grows stronger each day being part of such bodies. Furthermore, she highlights some of the future initiatives which the GTPMMWA will be taking forward and how the Middle Way Approach is a viable solution for both Tibet and China in resolving the Tibet-China Conflict as both parties involved here win.

On her vision on the future of Tibet, she mentions that it is one where His Holiness the Dalai Lama imparts teachings at the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet, where families are not forcibly separated, and where Tibetan culture thrives. Further stating that there are also avenues where our community can bring especially in the context of the patriarchal system we have. She narrates her own experience here and how certain Tibetan Civil Society bodies namely Drokmo and the Tibetan Women Empowerment Desk were of great help to her.

In her closing message, she urges and requests Tibetans to preserve their cultural identities and appreciates the continued support from global Tibet supporters. She emphasized the interconnectedness of humanity and how solidarity with Tibetans contributes to a more peaceful world.

Shinyi’s journey reflects the resilience and determination of Tibetans worldwide to preserve their culture and advocate for their rights.

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Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans – a podcast series presented by the Foundation for Non-Violent Alternatives (FNVA) Mon, 12 Dec 2022 15:17:52 +0000 Conversation with Tenzyn Zochbauer The podcast session with Tenzyn Zöchbauer saw her sharing the engagements, initiatives and activities towards and for Tibet in…

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Conversation with Tenzyn Zochbauer

The podcast session with Tenzyn Zöchbauer saw her sharing the engagements, initiatives and
activities towards and for Tibet in Germany. She further expresses how her Tibetan mother
has been the source of inspiration and along with the Vienna Restaurant (where individuals
supporting Tibet would gather), were the major push and set the foundation for her working
towards the resolution of the Tibet-China Conflict.

The session began with opinions on the recent mass uprising occurring in China. She stated
how initially she was surprised and taken aback that such a thing had occurred because since
the Tiananmen massacre in 1989, there has never been such a large demonstration led by
Chinese in China. The Tibet Initiative – Deutschland, the organization where she is the
Executive Director also took to the streets to support the Chinese uprising by demonstrating
and showing solidarity by continuing the A4 revolution in Germany.

Moving on Tenzyn Zöchbauer shared her experience living as a Tibetan in Europe. She was
thankful of her privileges and stated how this made her respect and value human rights and
duties. She stressed upon the important role of her mother and revealed to us how the letter
from her maternal grandparents to her foster grandparents (which she only got wind of
recently) where the letter highlighted how their daughter would serve and fulfil the wished of
His Holiness the 14 th Dalai Lama has further inspired her further.

She shared valuable insights on the organization that she heads, the Tibet Initiative –
Deutschland. Here she highlighted how thousands of Germans are members, with many of
them even visiting Tibet and witnessing the cruelties occurring to Tibetans which was and
continues to be instigated and further proliferated by the Chinese communist government.

Tenzyn told us about the Tibet Flag Hoisting initiative and the Pah-Lak theatre play, with the
latter being their major project which showcases Tibetan activism and way of life in its
artistic form.

On Tibet she asserted we Tibetans must follow the news and events occurring in Tibet and
share them with the world as the Chinese Communist Regime completely tries to suppress its
release to the world. She called upon the Tibetan youths to now take the mantle of leadership
in the Tibet-China conflict, as through the initiative and work done by the elder Tibetans,
Tibet is still talked and engaged about in the global world/community. Tenzyn also thanked
the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) also known as the Tibetan Government in Exile
(TGiE) whose engagements with Germany remains strong and commends them for the V-Tag
initiative which brings Tibetan youths together and the forefront. She met CTA officials
including Sikyong (president) Penpa Tsering during their engagements in Europe this year
and told us how vital it is for Tibetan officials to meet with German officials.

She concluded by affirming that China never expected Tibet and Tibetans would continue
their struggle of truth after more than 60 years of occupation. She and her organization are
preparing for any scenario in light of the recent mass uprising in China. And hopes that
Germans and people worldwide will continue supporting Tibet and Tibetans.

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Pah-Lak, a play we Tibetans must entertain to remember who we are. Wed, 02 Nov 2022 08:28:54 +0000 Our Research Associate Tenzing Dhamdul writes for Tibet Rights Collective, a Delhi-based advocacy and policy research institute that aims to increase access to information…

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Our Research Associate Tenzing Dhamdul writes for Tibet Rights Collective, a
Delhi-based advocacy and policy research institute that aims to increase access
to information around politics, culture, traditions and language of Tibet by
offering a strategic overview of the ground situation, on the recently released
Tibetan Play Pah-Lak. A sneak peek of the article is as follows.

The set-up:

It was pouring cats and dogs in New Delhi but people came in scores including
our Indian sisters and brothers who made a fair chunk of the crowd regardless of
whether the play was in Tibetan language. It was a bit disheartening to see the
low turn-out of Tibetans, maybe they were taking part in political or other
unseen activities in the eyes of many. But what can you say, one cannot push
vision over others, one must come to their own self-realizations as that is when
it hits the heart.

I have not personally seen or read the original English script of Pah-Lak written
by Abhishek Majumdar as one had to be fortunate and privileged enough to get
a seat at the Royal Court Theatre in London. But I have had the opportunity to
read reviews from those who were able to witness it. The review on the Tibetan
Review titled “ Pah-La – A Shallow and Confusing Examination of Tibetan
Non-Violent Resistance 1 ” on 19 April, 2019 really caught my attention. This
article brought attention on how lacking the theatrical play was, both in terms of
accuracy and the compilation of cast members. The latter stressing on how there
was not a single Tibetan cast member, with several characters even being
portrayed by non-Asians and Tibetan views never taken into consideration.
Building upon those very deficiencies, Lhakpa Tsering and Harry Fuhrman with
Abhishek Majumdar’s desire 2 were now able to bring out the very play with a
Tibetan cast and also translated it in Tibetan language.


Arrival and initial reaction:

Being in New Delhi, I was fortunate to witness this play on 8 th October, 2022 at
the Shri Ram Centre for Performing Arts along with my friends who had
attended the Niguma Yoga Session (a yoga devised by Lady Niguma and shared
to us by H.E. Kalu Rinpoche). I had a preset thinking of whether this play
would more or less be similar to the ones we Tibetans used to perform in School
and even wondered why was it even necessary to have such a play in the first
place, if it fell along those lines.

Oh, how wrong was I, once entering the theatre and witnessing it first hand, I
was taken aback and it made me accept my own lack of understanding theatre
and the message it sends. It also made me think how Tibet and its conflict with
China goes beyond geographical territory and comprises a deep level of
intersectionality, which must be understood and taken into consideration when
resolving the Tibet-China conflict and was an angle which this play tries to
spotlight and engage upon constantly. And for the first time in an extended
period, I felt goosebumps not because of the cold but of emotions.


Pah-Lak, the theatrical play:

The play enthralled the audience, especially the booming masculine voice of
Deshar’s father whose image of a Tibetan who fights for Rangzen and complete
independence was highlighted…….
Read the complete article at

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