6th Tibet Work Conference may be convened this year, netizens say

by Team FNVA

China Tibet Online

BEIJING, Apr.24 (China Tibet Online) This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Tibet Autonomous Region. On Mar. 5, during the Third Session of the 12th National People’s Congress, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang highlighted that celebrations should be organized for the 50th anniversary in the government work report.

The Fifth Conference of the Work of Tibet was held in Beijing in January 2010. Now people are eagerly anticipating the Sixth Tibet Work Conference.

According to reports by China’s state media, from November 2014 to March of this year, many in the central leadership as well as various government departments went to Tibet and Tibetan-inhabited areas in Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan, and Yunnan provinces to conduct research and make inspections, including: Yu Zhengsheng, Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Du Qinglin, Vice Chairman of the the CPPCC National Committee, and Sun Chunlan, minister of the United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee as well as leaders of the Ministry of Education, the State Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Water Conservancy and Ministry of Agriculture. It seems to have confirmed the saying that the central leadership and relevant departments must conduct in-depth research and inspections before an important meeting is convened and important documents issued.

According to the media report in March this year, the central authorities may initiate a big move to aid Tibet, and some netizens are also guessing. As one netizen named “Costa” claimed: “After much research, I think the next conference will be held sometime between Aug. 28 and Sept. 1 this year”; and another Internet user “i3broadaxe” claims that “the reasonable timeframe (for the conference) is from June to July”. However, these statements are not necessarily credible.

It might be a good news if the Sixth Tibet Work Conference could be held this year. This would comply with Chinese President Xi Jinping’s important strategic ideology of “to govern the country well, we must govern the border areas first, and to govern the border areas well, we must stabilize Tibet first”. This strategy would emphasize the thoughts of “upholding the rule of law in governing Tibet, maintaining a long-term development of Tibet, seeking for public consent, and laying a solid foundation”. It would also emphasize the implementation of the national strategy of “One Belt, One Road” within Tibet, the promotion of development and stability in Tibet and Tibetan-inhabited areas in other four provinces. Furthermore, it will help achieve the goal of achieving a comprehensive moderately prosperous society, comprehensively deepening the reform, and promoting the rule of law.

The previous five Tibet Work Conferences were held in Beijing in the years of 1980, 1984, 1994, 2001 and 2010 respectively, which have played a significant role in advancing the economic and social development in Tibet.

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