China developing infrastructure in border areas: GOI

by Team FNVA

New Delhi, Aug 23:

Government is aware that China is developing infrastructure in the border regions across India and a constant watch is kept on developments having a bearing on national security, the External Affairs Ministry told the Rajya Sabha today.

In written reply to the House, Minister of State in External Affairs E Ahmed said, “Government has seen media reports. Government is aware that China is developing the infrastructure in the border regions opposite India in Tibet and Xinjiang Autonomous Regions.”

These infrastructure projects include Qinghai-Tibet railway line with proposed extension upto Xigaze and Nyingchi and development of road and airport facilities, he added.

On steps taken in this regards, Ahmed said, “Government is giving careful and special attention to the development of infrastructure in the border areas opposite China in order to meet our strategic and security requirements and also to facilitate the economic development of these areas.”

Government keeps a constant watch on all developments having a bearing on India’s security and takes all necessary measures to safeguard it, he said.

Replying to a separate question on “Land boundary agreement with Bangladesh”, External Affairs Minister S M Krishna said that a protocol over this was signed during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to the neighboring nation last year.

“A protocol to the agreement concerning the demarcation of the land boundary between India and Bangladesh and related matters,1974 was signed during the visit of the Prime Minister to Bangladesh on September 6, 2011,” Krishna said.

The protocol address the outstanding land boundary issues pertaining to un-demarcated land boundary, exchange of enclaves and territories in adverse possession.

“The implementation of the protocol will result in the exchange of 111 Indian enclaves in Bangladesh with 51 Bangladesh enclaves in India and will preserve the status quo on territories in adverse possession,” Krishna said.

In reply to a separate question on “India’s quest for membership of Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)”, Ahmed said, “Government has expressed its interest in the full membership of NSG. The United States, France and Russia have publicly stated their support for India’s membership of NSG.”In reply to a query on NSG’s last plenary session in the US, he said such deliberations are confidential in nature and “A decision on India’s membership (to NSG) is subject to consensus among NSG members.”-

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