CPC publicity chief details path of socialism with Chinesecharacteristics

by Team FNVA

November 21, 2014

BEIJING, Nov. 21 — Liu Qibao, head of the publicity department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has penned an article on the path of socialism withChinese characteristics.
“China, instead of going down the rigid, “closed-door” path of the past or embarking upon the erroneous path of changing its political system, has pioneered the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics,” Liu wrote.

The article was released Wednesday in the English edition website of Qiushi Journal(english.qstheory.cn), the flagship magazine of the CPC Central Committee. It originally appeared in the No. 20, 2014 issue of Qiushi Journal Chinese edition.

According to Liu, the statement that the Chinese path is both correct and viable is not a matter of personal opinion. It’s rather the powerful answer that has been received through practice, and the profound conclusion that has been reached through historical and international comparisons.

“China’s unique system was derived from a process of ‘washing away the sand to reveal the gold.’ Since the advent of modern times, China has tried on “shoes” of all shapes and sizes.At one point, it even sought to copy the system of the West. None of these, however,resulted in success,” says the article.

Liu stressed that the Chinese path is the choice and the creation of the people. It has been pioneered by the people through their actions under the leadership of the CPC.

“No one is more qualified to comment on the merits of a path than those who are following it. The Chinese people are able to directly appreciate the correctness of the Chinese path –a feeling which comes from the constant improvements in their standard of living, the huge changes that have taken place to the face of the country, and their strong optimism for the future. Moreover, they genuinely support this path from the bottom of their hearts,” Liu wrote.

Liu noted that values constitute the core element of a development path. For this reason,no interpretation of the Chinese path would be complete without affording consideration to values. The deepest and most enduring strength that a nation and country can have lies in the core values commonly recognized in its society.

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