We are happy in Bhutan, but it isn’t Shangri-La

by Team FNVA

The Times of India
January 18, 2015

Tshering Tobgay, the young and articulate PM of Bhutan, was the unexpected star of the Vibrant Gujarat show last week. He runs for fun, writes a blog and is committed to building a modern nation true to its core values, which include a deep affection for its monarchs. In a conversation with Indrani Bagchi, Tobgay gives a glimpse into what goes into the making of gross national happiness

Narendra Modi made Bhutan his first visit as PM. What was going through your mind then?

It was a fantastic visit. But I was thinking… in 1958, my father also received an Indian prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, also on his first visit. He was a teenager, a soldier on leave. Since there was no road, the system needed porters. My father volunteered. He carried Nehru’s personal effects from the border to Haa. But he was so intrigued by the Indian leader, he went on to Paro to listen to Nehru’s speech. In one generation, his son was receiving another Indian prime minister. But he was doing it in his capacity as PM.

When we built the first motorable road from Phuntsholing to Paro (with Indian assistance), my mother was conscripted as labour. The entire country was involved. My father, who was a soldier by then, was on patrol. And that’s how they met. Today, I am presiding over the widening of the East-West highway, also with Indian assistance. I’m fortunate to be doing the same thing at a totally different level, because of the development path our kings chose.

What memories do you have of your school in Kalimpong?

We didn’t have enough schools in Bhutan. So some of us were sent out. I was sent before I turned five. It was a huge emotional wrench for my mother —some of my earliest memories are of my mother wailing, refusing to let me go. I studied at Dr Graham’s Homes for 11 years, did my ICSE. I joined the NCC and have great memories of marching to the mela ground for the August 15 celebrations.

We are used to Modi as an eloquent speaker, but you were the surprise star at Vibrant Gujarat…

I am thoroughly embarrassed. The audience was kind, gave a lot of love and affection for our king and our people. I just happened to be there. I found our friendship is not confined to political and diplomatic niceties. It permeates through the people.

What is your vision for India-Bhutan relations?

Our relationship is at a peak. We have to nurture it, not take it for granted. We have to ensure we continue to enjoy the goodwill of our neighbours. Our relationship should be defined by mutual goodwill and cooperation.

Would you like to talk about your relations with your other big neighbour, China?

The cornerstone of our foreign policy is good relations with India. We must be friendly with all nations. We have cordial relations with China, and must maintain it. We have not been able to finalize the boundary and we hope we can get there.

What are the aspirations of new Bhutan? How can India help?

Bhutan is new in that we have democracy. Our progress, our growth has been carefully choreographed down to the last detail so that nothing happens to our society and culture. We continue to enjoy that. But in a democracy, people’s expectations are enhanced, sometimes fuelled beyond reason by politicians. We have to guard against that. We have our institutions, our culture, but we have to keep looking behind our shoulders.

Bhutan gave a unique concept, Gross National Happiness, to the world. Is it working?

I believe it’s working. Although resources are limited, they are being used exceptionally well. For a country with a GDP of Rs 10,000 crore, we provide free healthcare, free education, social progress, even economic growth. This is done in a socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable manner that demands good governance. To me, that is the essence of GNH.

All our children have access to the means to create a better life for themselves and the nation. Our environment is cause for hope. Our biodiversity is growing, it’s not under threat. In terms of governance, democracy was forced on the people by our king, but guided in a way that spared our people a lot of anxiety. If you need further proof, our king at a young age abdicated in favour of his son, and we have a new king!

That said, we have a long way to go. Our economy is small, fragile. Our people’s expectations are growing and they are getting impatient. Our country is divided geographically, we have our share of poverty, and we need to address this. We are nowhere as successful as some people who paint a Shangri-La image of Bhutan think.

What do you do when you are not running your country?

Run on the treadmill. I enjoy running, biking. I used to do that more when I was in the opposition. I read, spend time with my family. I love playing with children. My daughter is 15 and she’s away at school, so I play with the neighbour’s kids. I write a lot, run a blog, tsheringtobgay.com, but I need to write more. And, like Mr Modi, I am active on Facebook and Twitter.

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