Tibetan nun sets herself ablaze in Kardze

by Team FNVA

April 10, 2015

Yeshi Khando, 138th Tibetan to self immolate since 2009

Yeshi Khando, 138th Tibetan to self immolate since 2009

A Tibetan nun has set herself ablaze in Kardze County on Wednesday taking the total number of self immolation by Tibetans since 2009 to 138, reported the Tibet Times.

Yeshi Khando, 42, shouted slogans calling for the return of the exiled Tibetan leader the Dalai Lama to Tibet, freedom in Tibet and the Dalai Lama’s long life as she doused herself in gasoline and set fire to her body, according to a Tibetan exile named Lobsang Tenzin.

Within minutes into her fiery protest, police on patrol arrived with fire extinguishers and doused the fire, eye witnesses have told exile sources.

Family members of Khando were summoned to the police station but were neither handed over her body nor given any update on her present condition.

There is no confirmed information about whether she survived the self immolation. However, eye witnesses have said it was unlikely that she would be alive going by the burns she sustained before being taken away by the police.

Yeshi Khando is a nun of Jhomo Monastery in Kardze. She is a native of Draksur village, Drango County. She was lovingly called Yeyang by fellow nuns and her family.

A Tibetan woman has died after setting herself ablaze on Friday in Ngaba in protest against Chinese policies in Tibet.

Two days before the March Tenth Tibetan uprising anniversary last month, a 47 year old Tibetan woman named Norchuk died after immolating herself.

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