China cracks down on scalping of railway tickets to Tibet

by Team FNVA
June 3, 2015

China’s railway police on Tuesday said they have launched a campaign against ticket scalping for trains to Tibet as the tourist high season approaches.

Launched on April 15, the five-month-long campaign has so far uncovered seven cases of scalping tickets to Tibet, resulting in the arrest of 11 suspects and confiscation of almost 1,000 tickets, the railway police said.

The police strengthened patrols at railway stations and checked people with a prior record of scalping. Railway police also organized staff to patrol online and sent police to check the source of tickets to Tibet.

Railway police have designated 90 special teams to carry out the campaign. They have also publicized laws and regulations in related venues and established channels for tips from the public.

Summer is the best time for tourism in Tibet. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway was put into operation in 2006, allowing tourists to experience the landscape along the route.

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