China has 242 laws: report

by Team FNVA

July 15, 2015

BEIJING, July 15 (Xinhua) — As of the end of last year China had 242 laws and a Constitution, according to a report by the Law Society published Wednesday.

The report said in 2014 the National People’s Congress and the Standing Committee passed 24 laws, legal interpretations and other legal decisions.

Last year China revised laws on environmental protection, budget, administrative procedures, safety production among others. The NPC Standing Committee made laws on water ways and counterespionage, among others.

The NPC Standing Committee in 2014 passed eight legal interpretations on food safety, advertisement, air quality pollution reduction and prevention, anti-terrorism, national security, and others.

The report said as of the end of 2014 China had 739 administrative regulations.

In 2014, 246 administrative reviews and approvals were abolished or transferred to lower authorities by the State Council and its departments, to release the vitality of the market.

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