China’s military establishes first national security think tank

by Team FNVA

July 9, 2015

BEIJING, July 9 (Xinhua) — China’s military Thursday established its first think tank for national security studies at the National Defense University of the People’s Liberation Army(PLA).

The research center for national security studies will promote interdisciplinary studies, provide advice for the central government and military commission, issue annual reports, and hold regular high-end seminars.

Ren Tianyou, vice head of the center’s leader group and also director of the university’s strategic teaching and research division, said the university will integrate military and civilian resources to provide advice on policy.

The center will be operated under guidance of the central government and the PLA headquarters.

The think tank is the latest result of China’s focus on national security. Since 2013, the country has also established the National Security Commission, issued a national security strategy guideline and adopted the National Security Law.

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