Tibet collects public opinions for formulation of next five-year plan

by Team FNVA

By Source:China Tibet Online

As the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Tibet Autonomous Region is approaching, Tibet has recently invited people from all walks of life to submit suggestions and opinions for the formulation of its next regional five-year plan for economic and social development, Chinatibetnews reported.

According to a staff member of the Tibet Development and Reform Commission, the “13th Five-Year Period” (2016-2020) is the last five-year plan to completely build a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020. The formulation of the next Five-Year Plan is of great and profound significance.

The public suggestions and opinions to be collected will be focused on the following points: ideas of development and objectives of Tibet’s economy and society; ways to improve employability of transfer employment for farmers and herdsmen, increase their income, and steadily advance urbanization; ways to upgrade the public service level, choose leading industries with Tibetan characteristics, and improve the modes of tourist resources development; how to reduce difficulties in enterprise transformation; methods to conduct targeted regional poverty alleviation, promote entrepreneurship, energy conservation and environmental protection, and modernize and integrate communications, energy, water, and other major parts of infrastructure; how to speed up institutional innovation and legal construction and safeguard social order and justice.

“Suggestions and opinions can be submitted as a long article, a research report, a few paragraphs, or simply a few points,” a related staff member said. “Suggestions should be consistent with national policies, laws and regulations in line with Tibet’s reality with relevance and feasibility.”
The activity will last from Jul. 15 till Dec. 30 this year.

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