Doval Doctrine vis a vis ETIM

by Team FNVA

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Reema Shaukat
November 04, 2015

Understanding the geographical dogmatic realisms of the post-Cold War scenario, China and India accepted normalization towards each other after a brief border skirmish in 1962 but an infinite distrust over a long standing territorial dispute and now other issues of extremism are a matter of great concern for China.

A top Chinese delegation led by Vice President of China, Mr.Li Yuanchao would be visiting India from 3rd November 2015 till 7th November 2015. Apparently, both states during the visit of Chinese Vice President will discuss bilateral relations but there are rumours and buzz, which indicate that conferring Indian involvement in terrorism and extremist activities in the region is an ultimate agenda.

It is also anticipated that India will be criticized for its support to East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) by China. ETIM is an extremist movement in Xinjiang province of China-bordering with eight countries including Afghanistan and Pakistan. Initiated in 1997, the ETIM is a separatist movement with an aim of liberating Xinjiang from what it calls China’s colonial occupation, establishing the East Turkestan sovereign state. Xinjiang is a strategically important province with about 45% percent of its people belonging to the Turkic-speaking Uyghur Muslim ethnic community. Although several separatist and extremist groups operate in the province, ETIM has been the most effective and the most widely condemned over its terrorist activities. Its members range across Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, and operate from sanctuaries mostly dotted across the war-torn Pakistan-Afghanistan border. It was earlier publicised that India has been deteriorating regional stability by funding ETIM militants and training them in camps located in different parts of Afghanistan particularly Nuristan, Kunnar and Kandahar provinces.

Indian influence and involvement in security matters of other nation states in region is well-known and repeatedly condemned. India’s intention of becoming Asian tiger in the subcontinent and using malicious tools to disturb balance of power in South Asia is witnessed by all.

Presence of Indian factor in Afghanistan to disturb Pakistan’s initiative to eradicate terrorism gained momentum. Indian engrossment in Baluchistan and other parts of Pakistan in form of financial and armed support to terrorist organizations and RAW sponsored activities have been verified, as Pakistan provided its proof to UN and USA also. Now it is China’s turn to put cards on the table concerning Indian insurgency in its territory. In this phase Ajit Kumar Doval is in the courtyard for accentuating the issue. It is reported in the international media that the Indian army is turning frenzied on its border with China under the strategies of National Security Doctrine of India, NSA Ajit Doval. Underneath this doctrine Indian armed forces are building new airfields and raising number of troops along the Sino-Indian border.

While ETIM is causing problem in China’s Xinjiang province, China will also strive for clarification from India on producing possible threats to CPEC particularly in Baluchistan. Shocking confessions were made by foreign extremists arrested in Baluchistan about the training camps in Afghanistan and their plans to sabotage CPEC. The Chinese delegation will present concrete proofs with an assurance from Indian side to pull out these atrocious acts. With an aim to disrupt China Pakistan alliance, India is well practicing its National Security Doctrine. Thus, in pursuit of its goalmouths India is leaving no stone unturned for implementation of its strategy by any means.

Tibet has been a crucial element in Sino-Indian relations since China’s occupation of Tibet in early 1950’s. The reason why Tibet is so vital to both is the Brahmaputra River, which is one of India’s major rivers. China has built hydropower dams on this river for its electricity generation and India sees this as a threat to its water reserves. Trade imbalance is another area of friction between China and India. The wobbly undercurrents of Sino-Indian relations have caused apprehensions about the prospects of Pakistan-China strategic liaison. In this status quo concerns arise keeping in view India’s hegemonic designs in South Asia.

Pakistan’s friendship with China has been termed as “higher than the Himalayas and deeper than the oceans.” Media reports indicate that Chinese defence delegation will also visit Pakistan in this month. The objective of visit will be to applaud Pakistan’s efforts in eliminating terrorism and launching operations in which networks of Uzbeks, Chechens and ETIM militants were terminated and many of them were forced to rush towards safe sanctuaries in Afghanistan. Chinese delegation will discuss the security of CPEC apart from matters of mutual interests. Apart from investments and energy related infra-structure, China has always provided Pakistan with technological assistance to curb terrorism from its soil. Despite the fact that India continues to raise trepidations over China-Pakistan relations, China has kept cordial relations with Pakistan and will continue so. They are committed to combat all forms and manifestation of terrorism and to implement widespread actions. Pakistan is quite confident that China, its all-weather friend, will never intensify terms with India at the cost of its traditional friendship with Pakistan.

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