Bhutan to pave ‘green’ roads with plastic

by Team FNVA

Times of India
November 3, 2015

The Green Road public-private project is expected to reduce the amount of bitumen imported from India by 40 percent.

The Green Road public-private project is expected to reduce the amount of bitumen imported from India by 40 percent.

THIMPHU (Bhutan): Bhutan has come up with a new way to pave its roads: waste plastic.

As part of efforts to curb the use of fossil fuels and deal with growing amounts of plastic waste, the country plans to mix used plastic bottles and other waste plastic with bitumen to blacktop its roads.

The Green Road public-private project is expected to reduce the amount of bitumen imported from India by 40 percent, and cut the amount of plastic waste going into landfills by 30-40 percent, said plastic road entrepreneur Rikesh Gurung.

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