UNI conducting Nepal river water study

by Team FNVA

Hillary Maglin,
November 03, 2015

The University of Northern Iowa is collaborating with Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu, Nepal for a Bagmati River water study.

The UNI team will lead the project and TU will provide lab space.

Fieldwork for the study began in May and will continue through late 2016.

2 UNI students traveled to Nepal this past summer to assist with fieldwork and learned to conduct water and sediment sampling, analyze procedures and implement policy changes using scientific data.

The Bagmati River is polluted with industrial and municipal waste due to population increase and urban development in recent years.

UNI and TU hope this study will help to develop an effective hydrologic assessment scheme for the polluted river, which will provide people in Nepal technical expertise to prevent a probable human environmental disaster.

The project is being funded by a $56,000 grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation.

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