Lhasa put under lockdown ahead of Pelosi visit: CTA

by Team FNVA

Tenzin Monlam
November 21, 2015

DHARAMSHALA, November 21: The Capital city of Tibet, Lhasa, was kept under a lockdown in the late October and early November in the run up to the visit of US Congressional Delegation to Tibet led by House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi,the Tibetan government in exile said citing a letter it received from Tibet.

The letter highlighted the trouble residents had to go through prior to the visit, said a report posted on the official website of the Tibetan government in exile, officially known as the Central Tibetan Administration. “Lhasa was placed under extreme repression and the people were being constantly indoctrinated in political thoughts, using both violent and softer approaches. Free speech was also severely curtailed. So much so that people felt it difficult to even move their bodies,” the letter reads.

The letter stated that Barkhor, a circular street at the center of Lhasa, which is always under heavy security and surveillance was suddenly made more relaxed with heavy security presence removedpriot to the visit.

“We were confused at first for the cause of these replacements. However, we realized their intent after learning about the US delegation’s visit,” the letter reads.

The letter welcomed the US delegation’s fact-finding visit to Lhasa and also expressed the Tibetan people’s desire to meet them.

However, the visit being guided by the Chinese authorities, the letter acknowledged that it would be difficult for the delegation to assert any genuine aspirations of the Tibetans.

Nancy Pelosi, who led the delegation, described ‘the visit as highly controlled, estimating that more than 30 Chinese security officers accompanied the delegation of seven’. The delegation also complained about China’s attempt to control what they want the delegation to see.

“Tibetans inside Tibet are going through a difficult time. However, we will never betray the country under pressure. Therefore, under the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the Tibetans residing in the free world should exert concerted effort with renewed vigour for the Tibetan movement,” the letter further reads, pledging “complete devotion of Tibetans inside Tibet towards His Holiness.”

The letter also urged the Tibetans in exile to follow the advices of His Holiness and preserve the rich cultural tradition of Tibet.

“Our final hopes and aspiration rests upon the two jewels of Dharamshala: His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration.”

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