Saarc group against dam on Brahmaputra

by Team FNVA

Times of India
Dec 12, 2015,

GUWAHATI: The Assam government informed the house on Friday that the BBIN, a sub-regional group within SAARC comprising Bhutan, Bangladesh, India and Nepal, will act as a pressure group to convince China against damming of the Brahmaputra in the upper reaches of Tibet.

State water resource minister Basanta Das said, “We have information that the BBIN is acting as a pressure group with SAARC to desist China from damming the river.”

Das said damming the Brahmaputra will not only have an adverse effect in Assam but also in Arunachal Pradesh and Bangladesh. Chief minister Tarun Gogoi had informed the Centre in 2012 and again in 2013 about China’s plans. “Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh then informed us that the government has discussed this matter,” he added.

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