China’s newly formulated matured strategy on Nepal and South Asia

by Team FNVA

March 31, 2016

Chinese diplomacy takes a paradigm shift which is visible and clear now.

China has lured or say better convinced Nepal in a positive manner and in doing so utmost care has been taken that neighboring India doesn’t get irritated with the help and support that Beijing has offered or say promised Nepal. This speaks of China’s subtle diplomacy.

China’s quiet diplomacy has come in full swing in that China, which in the past favored the use of the word then being used, “comprehensive and all encompassing” ties has now begun using the word “strategic” which is sure to raise the hairs of some countries near and far. The word strategic in itself is a strategic one.

The word strategic is vague but as far as we understand denotes that China would want a fool proof and all encompassing and all embracing relations with her smaller neighbor Nepal and others also. The word strategy has been picked up none less than by President Xi Jinping, who swings world politics, and thus one need to dwell on the underlying meaning of the used word. This has and must have some meaning underneath.

Strategic relations are much more than ordinary relations and mean much in the international context more so it is highly significant in the context of South Asian region.

Given that China fears the West that these countries might disturb the peace of Tibet has also been told to Nepal PM Oli in clear terms perhaps which is what is beneath the meaning and thus the selection of the word strategic. A secure Tibet is all what China wants.

Whatever the case may be, Beijing has very carefully and cleverly tried to bring Nepal under its soft net-sphere of influence- but yet has shown its concerns that Nepal must have to have good ties with India as Chairman Mao used to tell Nepal Kings several decades ago.  This is what explains the crux of the Beijing hushed diplomacy and the intent of China and this to a greater extent explains the preferences of Beijing on how to move along with Nepal to fulfill her strategic interests in Nepal and also inside the South Asian region. Perhaps Beijing also needs a passage to enter South Asia through Nepal. That Beijing has love and honor for Nepal and that Beijing wants to tell Nepal to be in good terms with India does tell a lot of Beijing’s matured diplomacy. Will India learn a lesson from it?

The use of the term strategic relations with Nepal by the Chinese side and immediately after the arrival of Nepal Army chief in China perhaps gives weight to the term strategic. Strategy comes into action, we presume.

No wonder then the Chinese academicians have even claimed that now with the signing of Nepal-China agreements of strategic importance, the South Asian political landscape may change for the better in the near future. Let’s wait for that change if any that may be seen.

All said and done, China is a reliable partner and that whatever China has given this time to Nepal may not benefit Nepal in the short term, however, the gains could definitely be felt and enjoyed some time later if the both sides remain committed to what they have agreed upon during Nepal PM visit to China.

The broader meaning of the term strategic shall perhaps be clear as and when Chinese President lands in Nepal some time later this year. Let’s hope so and be confident that Nepali leaders understand the use of the word tactically used “strategic” and meaning loaded word which has jumped from comprehensive to strategic. Will China explain or the academicians, both in Nepal and China, interpret it in its real perspective?

Yet thanks to China for providing substantial support to Nepal suggesting the latter not to have bad relations with India. This is perhaps China’s newly structured diplomacy. India is still option less country for Nepal.

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