Only a free China can free Tibet

by Team FNVA
Tibet Sun

Yang Jianli

May 12, 2016

Yang Jianli 

I am not pretending that I represent the majority view of the Chinese either in or outside China, even not that of Chinese human rights and democracy activists for that matter. But I am glad to tell you that the number of Chinese who share my views, although small, is growing.

  1. The Tibetan people have suffered so much at the hands of the Communist regime, consisting mainly of the Chinese and with the support and help from many ordinary Chinese people. I am a Chinese and feel guilty and obliged to do what I have done in the past nearly 30 years to support the cause of a free Tibet and try to bring about peace and harmony to the two peoples. And I will continue.
  2. No Chinese, either as a part of the PRC government or of the democratic opposition, can or should claim to represent the will of the Tibetan people. The right to choose the future of Tibet ultimately resides with the Tibetan people and nobody else.Tibet has not always been part of China, as the Chinese regime is claiming. The Tibetans, as a people, have a different biological, historical, and cultural identity. As such, they are entitled to the right of self-determination. I respect the Tibetans’ right of self-determination.

    The Chinese people as a whole must eventually accept this principle, or the current problem will remain or reoccur no matter what political setting will be arranged in the future.

  3. That said, my point will not be complete if I don’t add this warning. Tibet and China have so intertwined historically, politically, culturally, and religiously in the past two thousand years, and the reality of Tibet being part of the PRC is so entrenched in the minds of not only the Chinese people but the world leaders for whatever reasons, that the Tibetan issue cannot be resolved according to the will of the Tibetan people and based on universal values without the support and understanding of many many Chinese. There will be a long and difficult way to go for the Tibetans to eventually be able to enjoy and exercise their right of self-determination, and they need the Chinese to walk with them very step on the way toward that end. So you probably have no choice but relentlessly reaching out to the Chinese for your cause no matter what, where, and when. This leads to …
  4. Speaking from my personal experience, the Dalai Lama’s Middle-Way approach has played the most important and most effective role in winning the Chinese to the Tibetan cause. To many Chinese democrats, me included, the Dalai Lama’s Middle-Way approach has proved indispensably instrumental in getting our Chinese compatriots to be interested in Tibetan history, culture, and religion, and most importantly, to recognize the true reality and just aspiration of the Tibetan people. I understand there are different views among the Tibetans from the Middle-Way approach, but at as far as the issue of winning support from the Chinese concerns, I urge my Tibetan brothers and sisters to deeply appreciate His Holiness’ wisdom in this.
  5. There has been a cliche among Chinese democrats. Most repeated. “There is no hope for a free Tibet if the nature of the Chinese regime does not change, so we must work first to democratize China.” One of reasons this has become a cliche is that it does contain some truth. But I don’t like the sino-centric position on which it is stated. And, given the permeating Han Chauvinist mentality among the Chinese, even with democracy in China, the resolution of the Tibetan issue will not be easy.So China’s democracy is only necessary but far from being sufficient. So we must continue what I call the “truth campaign”, making particular efforts now to bring the truth about Tibet to the Chinese people and engage in real heart-to-heart dialogues with them and discuss with them the future for both peoples.

    I have engaged this campaign in the past 26 years, and will continue to expand the campaign and dialogue to include more people.

  6. People have begun talking about the post-Dalai Lama era. I personally think, although it will be very far away, it is always good to make hay while the sun shines. We will eventually face the reality without His Holiness. To me, the best way to prepare for the worst is protect and sincerely practice the democracy that you have established under the guidance of His Holiness.

The Tibetan issue is one of most difficult issues facing humanity. It is a test on mankind’s morality and wisdom, especially on the Tibetans and Chinese and the world leaders.

To me, the things we have to do, with or without the Dalai Lama, are the things I advocated for above: Respect the Tibetans’ right of determination; take the Middle-Way approach seriously; reach out to the Chinese; commit to non-violence; continue the truth campaign with the international community and the Chinese; promote Tibetan culture and language and environmental protection in Tibet; practice and perfect democracy; and last but not the least, join the effort to democratize China.

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