Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang’s Regular Press Conference on April 12, 2017

by Team FNVA
April 12, 2017
At the invitation of State Councilor Yang Jiechi, Phạm Bình Minh, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam will visit China from April 16 to 18 and co-host with State Councilor Yang Jiechi the tenth meeting of the China-Vietnam Steering Committee for Bilateral Cooperation.

Q: Indian media reported that during his activities in the disputed eastern section of the China-India boundary, the Dalai Lama bashed the Chinese government again on the issues of reincarnation and about Tibet. At the same time, some Indian officials repeatedly made inappropriate remarks about the boundary question. What’s China’s comment on this?

A: Recently, in disregard of China’s concerns, the Indian side insisted to arrange activities for the 14th Dalai Lama in the disputed eastern section of the China-India boundary and indulged the provocative political remarks by the 14th Dalai Lama and specific Indian officials. It shows that activities by the 14th Dalai Lama far exceeded the scope of the so-called “religious activities”. It is against the solemn commitment that the Indian government has made on Tibet-related issues and will have negative impact on the proper settlement of the territorial dispute between China and India through negotiations. China has lodged solemn representations with the Indian side. We will take further steps to preserve our territorial sovereignty and national security.

In the past, the 14th Dalai Lama had disgraceful performances on the boundary question. This time, he called himself “the son of India”, backed up the unfounded remarks of officials from the so-called Arunachal Pradesh, bashed the Chinese government on Tibet-related issues and advertised its political pursuit of splitting China. It is clear that those of the Dalai clique completely view themselves as foreigners. Dalai’s performance can’t affect China’s position on the boundary and Tibet-related issues. It can’t change the historical fact that the local government of Tibet of China has exercised effective administration over the eastern section. It can’t change the fact that Tibet has enjoyed rapid progress with the support of the big family of China. His performance will only reveal his attempt to split China and undermine the interests of the Chinese people, including those of the Tibetan ethnic group under the disguise of religion.

I must stress that the boundary question and Tibet-related issues bear on the political foundation of China-India relations. Both sides have already reached important consensus to address the boundary question through negotiation and consultation. The Indian side has made solemn commitment on Tibet-related issues. We urge the Indian side to bear in mind the fundamental interests of the two countries and two peoples, maintain the political foundation for the development of bilateral relations, refrain from provocative actions that undermine boundary negotiations and bilateral relations and preserve the larger picture of China-India relations with concrete actions.

Q: President Trump suggested in his tweet that unilateral US action on the DPRK was possible. US Secretary of State Tillerson has previously suggested that all options are on the table including military options. What is China’s bottom line for unilateral US action on the Korean Peninsula? What kind of actions from the US would China find unacceptable?

A: I believe I don’t have to reiterate China’s principled position of “three commitments”. For your question, I want to add one more principle. China maintains that it is important to strictly adhere to the international law and norms governing international relations, including the basic norms governing state-to-state relations provided by the UN Charter.

Q: Can you clarify in terms of what does China think would be the negative impact of Dalai Lama’s visit on the settlement of the boundary question? You said that India violated its commitment on Tibet-related issues. Was it the commitment that India won’t allow its territory to be used for anti-China activities?

A: First, I must correct you. Where the 14th Dalai Lama visited under the disguise of religion and with the indulgence of the Indian government is the disputed eastern section of the China-India boundary. You can’t just call it the Indian territory.

As for the commitment of India, the Indian government has made solemn commitment with the Chinese government on the boundary question and Tibet-related issues. There’re historical lessons of damage to bilateral relations when the Indian side broke its commitment. I’ve made clear China’s positions just now. China is strongly against the Indian side’s indulgence toward Dalai Lama’s visit to the disputed section of China-India boundary and especially the connivance of the provocative remarks by the Dalai Lama and specific Indian officials. We’ve lodged serious representations with India. What India has done will have negative impact on the efforts to properly settle boundary disputes through negotiations between the two sides.

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