Chen Quanguo, Padma Choling and Lobsang Gyaltsen meet Zhang Yijiong

by Team FNVA

Jul 7, 2014

6 July: Chen Quanguo (the Party Secretary of the autonomous region) and Lobsang Gyaltsen (who is the deputy Party Secretary of the autonomous region, the head of the standing committee of the N.P.C of the autonomous region, as well as the Chairman of the autonomous region), met the deputy minister of the standing committee of the UFWD, Zhang Yijiong and his entourage.

The leaders of the autonomous region, Wu Yingjie, Gongpo Tashi, Wang Ruilian, Shingtsa Tenzing Chodrak etc were also present in the meeting.

On behalf of the Party Committee, Chen Quanguo extended his warm welcome to Zhang Yijiong and his entourage who had come to Tibet to carry out investigations. He also expressed his gratitude to the Central Tibet Work Coordination Group office and the UFWD for their long term concern and support for Tibet. Chen Quanguo said that in the recent years, with the Central Party under the strong leadership of General Secretary, Xi Jinping, the party committee of the autonomous region and the government group, has led the people of every ethnicity of the region, in further implementing the spirit of the 18th Party Congress and the second plenum of the 18th Party Congress, implementing the spirit of the series of the important speeches delivered by Xi Jinping, especially the important thought of “The borders must be ruled for ruling the country” and the important directive of “Work hard to realise the continued stability, long term stability and the comprehensive stability of Tibet”, implement Chairman Yu Zhensheng’s “Rule Tibet as per law, build Tibet for the long term, win the hearts of the people and ram the foundations”, closely adhering to the “One Core”, “Two Major tasks”, “Four assurances” clearly defined by the Central party, work hard for promoting scientific development, protecting the stability of the society, consolidating the unity among ethnicities, promoting harmony in religion, guarantee the improvement of People’s livelihood, protect the ecology and environment, strengthen the building of the party, make achieve new accomplishment in every work that is done. These accomplishments (largely due to the strong leadership of Xi Jinping as the General Secretary of the Central Party), was made possible by the scientific leadership of the Central Tibet Work Coordination Group. This was made possible by the selfless support and assistance of the people of the entire country, by the arduous struggle of the masses of cadres of every nationality, by the big support of the Central and government organisations including the UFWD. Chen Quanguo said that at present Tibet is faced with two major tasks of building a well off society by 2020, keeping in pace with the entire Nation, maintaining the general situation of social stability, long term stability and comprehensive stability. I sincerely hope that the UFWD will continue to show its concern and support for Tibet as it has always done and provide a strong support for Tibet’s developmental breakthrough and long-term peace and stability.

On behalf of the UFWD, Zhang Yijiong expressed his gratitude for the strong support of the Party Committee, as well as the government, to the work of the UFWD. He said that in the recent years, under the strong leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the Central Party, having a strong footing in the developmental breakthrough and long term peace and stability, the Party committee of the TAR and the government is implementing the guidelines by the Centre, for ruling Tibet resolutely, strongly and by actively taking initiatives, is closely linking the reality of Tibet, continuously innovating, formulating and implementing a series of good policies, good measures, solidifying the basic foundations, paying attention to the building of mechanisms, further promoting the system of governance of the country and the modernisation of governance, maintaining the good momentum of fast and healthy economic growth, started the good phase of sustained harmony and stability in the society, created the good situation of continuously improving the livelihood of the people, and making contributions for the entire country’s reform, development and stability. Zhang Yijiong expressed that the work in Tibet has an important position in the work of the country. The Central Tibet work Coordination Group office and the UFWD will continue to play a positive role, give full support to every cause related to Tibet’s reform, development and stability and provide a strong support for building of a new socialist Tibet.

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