Chen Quanguo: Start a new phase solid and effective ethnic work

by Team FNVA

October 11, 2014

On the afternoon of Oct 10, the TAR Party Committee held a Standing Committee meeting to propagate the study of the spirit of the Ethnic Work Meet of the Central Party and the 6th Unity and Progress Commendation meet of NPC.

The Ethnic Work Meet of the Central Party and the 6th of the State Council, set the direction of ethnic work under the new situation.

Xi Jinping gave an important speech on major issues of ethnic work, which include: giving appropriate understanding of the country’s situation where many ethnicities co-exist; giving scientific analysis of the new situation being faced by ethnic work; an explicit narration on the scientific connotation of the right path of solving the ethnic problem with Chinese characteristics and autonomy of the ethnic regions. His speech reflected the important strategic thoughts and the major theoretical concepts the Central Party regarding ethnic work since the 18th Party Congress.

The spirit of the important speeches by Xi Jinping, Li Keqing and Yu Zhengsheng must be implemented and the thoughts and actions should actually be integrated. Consolidate and develop the ethnic unity of Tibet and work hard to build a model region of ethnic unity.

One: the right direction has to be understood accurately. Get a good understanding of “The right path of solving the ethnic problem with Chinese characteristics”. Stick to the path of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics; safeguard the unity of the ancestral land and equality of the ethnic groups; stick to and perfect the system of autonomy in the ethnic regions; promote joint struggle, prosperity and development of the ethnic groups, strengthen the ideological base of the Chinese ethnic community, stick to ruling the country as per law; promote interactions, exchanges and blending of the ethnic groups; promote harmonious co existence, work together as one, socialist ethnic relations must be based on equality, mutual assistance and harmony and jointly realise the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Two, Get a get hold on the 10 works.

a) Every level of Party Committee and government must attach high importance to strengthening of leadership. Give a prominent place to ethnic work and treat ethnic unity as lifeline of the people from different ethnic groups.

b) Rule Tibet as per law. Resolutely implement the system of autonomy in the ethnic regions. Safeguard and implement the rights of every ethnic group in politics, economy, culture, society etc.

c) Concentrate on developing a cadre of talented people from ethnic groups. Provide organisational guarantee and human resource support for rapid socio –economic development and long term peace and stability of Tibet.

d) Give proper guidance. Extensively develop the work of promoting awareness on unity of ethnic groups to our great ancestral land, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

e) Encourage and promote activities that further unify the ethnic groups and create a good environment of ethnic unity.

f) Promote and preserve the cultures of the ethnic groups, and build a common house which holds the spirits of the different ethnic groups.

g) Respect religion. Fully implement the Ethnic Religious Policy of the Party, promote the compatibility of Tibetan Buddhism and a socialist society. Ensure harmony in religion, smooth progress of Buddhist work and harmony in the monasteries.

h) Strengthen the foundation, promote exchanges, interaction and blending of the ethnic groups.

i) Make Tibet and the people of Tibet prosperous, continuously raise the standard of economic development and ensure that the goal of having a well off society in Tibet by 2020 together with rest of the country is achieved.

j) Share the achievements, raise the happiness index of people from every ethnic group, make every ethnic group get the feel the achievements in reform, development and stability and let them lead a happier life.

Three: Create an environment. Make the best possible use of news media and at every level, formulate a plan and give publicity to it, make special news columns, spread the significance of this ethnic work under this new situation, spread the direction to be taken, the theory and policy, the system and law of the ethnic work under the leadership of the Central Party with Xi Jinping as the General Secretary. Decipher the spirit of the meeting in depth, especially the spirit of the important speech given by Xi Jinping and spread it from home to home till it seeps into the hearts of the people. Spread the achievement and advanced model of the ethnic work in Tibet, make the masses of every ethnic group feel the cordial concern the Central Party has for them, the superiority of the socialist system and the warmth of the big family of our country. Create an environment where every person is concerned, every person extends support and contributes to the ethnic work.

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