Wu Yingjie presides over a symposium to publicly elect cadres

by Team FNVA

October 23, 2014

Wu Yingjie presided over a symposium held in Lhasa to publicly elect cadres. Liang Tiangeng also attended the meeting.

After hearing every comrade deliver their speech, Wu Yingjie pointed out that the spirit of the important thoughts enumerated by Xi Jinping at the 18th Party Congress had set the direction for every work to be done in Tibet. “The TAR Party Committee has been engaged in the work of selecting the Deputy Commissioner (Deputy Mayor) for interiors. For more than a year or so, everyone has popularised the “Old Tibet Spirit” and worked for reform, development and stability of the region. The Party Committee approves of this. I greet everyone on behalf of TAR Party Committee and government, Secretary Chen Quanguo and Chairman Lobsang Gyaltsen.

Wu Yingjie talked about achievements of Tibet under Chen Quanguo and said that everybody’s thought must be united with that of Xi Jinping, the demands made by the Central Party, the demands of the leaders of TAR Party and local parties. “Be good at your jobs, do your best and work for the long term peace and stability and leap frog development of Tibet;

One: Promote scientific development, get a good understanding of the prominent dispute on Tibet’s scientific development. Sincerely research measures to be taken for the development of scientific thought at the local level and promote the leap frog development of Tibet’s socio-economy.

Two: Safeguard social stability. Handle the delicate balance between promoting development and safeguarding stability. Consolidate and establish every thought that enforces stability and contributes to the stability of the region.

Three: Set an example of the political line for the people. Let all work revolve around improving the productive lives of the herdsmen. Stick to the thought that rights are for the people to use, sentiments are for bonding with the masses and strategy is for bringing benefits to the people. Let the herdsmen lead a prosperous and civilised life.

Four: Set a model for promoting unity among the ethnic groups. Consolidate and establish the thought of “3 inseparables”,safeguard the unity of the ethnic groups, promote harmony and peaceful co-existence and blending of the ethnic groups.

He also emphasised on the work of Mass Line education, building a well-off society by 2020, winning the trust of the people, the election of the village level committees, strengthening the grass root level organisations and consolidating the base of the party in the region.   All the cadres said that they would do their best to contribute their wisdom and strength to the development and stability of the region.

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