Lobsang Gyaltsen meets Niu Ximing and his entourage

by Team FNVA

August 14, 2014

Lobsang Gyaltsen (Vice chairman of TAR) met Niu Ximing (Chairman of Bank of Communications Co., Ltd) and his entourage. Liang Tiangeng (Head of the organisation department of the CPC Tibet Autonomous Region Committee), Ding Yexian (Executive Vice-Chairman of TAR) and Pema Tsewang (Director of the Bank of Tibet) were also present at the meeting.

On behalf of TAR, the government and Chen Quanguo (Party Secretary of TAR), Lobsang Gyaltsen extended a warm welcome to Niu Ximeng and his entourage for carrying out investigation in Tibet and for giving instructions. He expressed his gratitude for the constant concern and support of the Bank of Communications for their work in Tibet, especially for its financial projects.

Lobsang Gyaltsen said that since the 18th Party Congress, the party committee of the autonomous region and the government has decided to: 1.further implement the spirit of the 18th Party Congress and the spirit of the second and third plenum of the 18th Party Congress, 2. to implement the spirit of the series of the important speeches delivered by Xi Jinping, especially the important thought of “The borders must be ruled for ruling the country” 3. implement Chairman Yu Zhensheng’s “Rule Tibet as per law, build Tibet for the long term, win the hearts of the people and ram the foundations”, 4. closely adhere to the “One Core”, “Two Major tasks”, “Four assurances” clearly defined by the Central party, 5. actively work for the “leap-frog development” and long term peace and stability of Tibet, maintain the social stability and harmony of Tibet, 6.work for rapid and stable economic development, improvement of people’s livelihood, protection of ecology and environment, promoting unity among the ethnic groups and harmony in religion.

These would not have been possible without the constant support of the Central government, the people and a strong financial support.

Lobsang Gyaltsen said that the TAR party committee and the government attaches high importance to financial work in Tibet, the constant strengthening of win-win cooperation, promoting the thought and measures of “Financial leverage”, getting positive results, constant elevation of the ability and standard of financial services and real economy.

Bank of Communications Co., Ltd has developed the model for corporate governance structure for Bank of Tibet and has also given comprehensive support in the fields of Human Resource management, development of IT systems, risk management, product development etc. The Bank of Tibet now has a positive momentum for development.

Gyaltsen hopes that the Bank of Communications Co., Ltd will keep supporting the building of Tibet and its financial development as it has always done, help in joining and upgrading the data information system, further strengthen cooperation, expand the areas of cooperation, realise mutual win-win and support the development of Bank of Tibet as always. He hopes that the Bank of Tibet will fully utilise the experience and the expertise of the Bank of Communications Co., Ltd in the field of cooperation and management, and play the role of better strategic investors.


Niu Yiming expressed his gratitude for the concern and support of the TAR party committee and the government to the Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. He said that since the establishment of the Tibet Development Bank, it has had a great track record, rapid development and has already become a platform for government-bank cooperation. He said he has full faith in the future of development of the Bank. Niu Yiming said that along with the shareholding responsibility, we must also bear the political responsibility, social responsibility and economic responsibility. On the basis of positive cooperation, further strengthen the magnitude of support and promote the further development of Bank of Tibet and its “going national”.

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