Vice Chairman Jian Can investigated the “3 Rural” work

by Team FNVA

Date: Sep 7, 2014

Vice chairman of TAR Jian Can and his entourage went to interiors of Burang, Zanda and Gar counties of the Ngari Sanai prefecture from 29 August to 2 September to carry out investigations on the “3 Rural” work. They adopted the method of visiting homes of the local people, examining the ground realities, communicating with people etc for an in depth examination of the construction of Stage II power station in Burang, demonstration and popularization of cultivating superior breed of highland barley in Kejia village, construction of a demonstration base for modern agricultural techniques in Burang, income of the construction team consisting of peasants and herdsmen in the Rabgyailing village of Zanda County, relocation of peasants and herdsmen of the Lugba village, manual grass cultivation and dairy farming in Gunsa township of Gar county and the condition of agriculture in Gar county. Cedian, the commissioner of the regional administrative office, representatives from the departments concerned about peasants, herdsmen and water conservancies of the region as well as the important government leaders of Burang, Zanda and Gar counties accompanied him for the investigation. On Sep 2 afternoon and Sep 3 morning, the investigation team of Jian Can and his entourage heard the “3 Rural” work report of Ngari prefecture in the light of the investigation they had carried out and gave full approval to the work that has been done. They also put forth their demands for the next phase of “3 Rural” work that is to be done.

Jian Can said in his speech that he delivered on 3rd after noon that in the next phase of the “3 Rural” work, the following 7 points should be taken care of.

  1. Work for the improvement of the livelihood of the people and increase in the income of peasants and herdsmen. Implement the policies that bring benefit to the peasant folks. Improve the technical training of the peasants and herdsmen.
  2. Grow and conserve natural grasslands and protect the environment. Implement the policy of giving compensation to the herdsmen for restricting them from grazing cattle in certain areas and see to it that they do not graze their cattle in the same areas for a long period of time. Let them practice rotational grazing.
  3. Take support from Science and technology for increased production by the peasants and herdsmen. Change the breed of highland Barley that is being cultivated and select a breed that is suitable for Ngari. Constantly promote plantation and raise the volume of agricultural produce. Make a scientific plan on how to exploit the river basin of Gar County.
  4. Ensure that the best possible use in made of the funds received.
  5. Priority should be given to the work of alleviating poverty. For this, an action plan should be formulated.
  6. Carry out further reform in the mechanism of the system. Develop a specialised cooperative organisation of the farmers and the herdsmen .Ensure that the pasturelands are registered.
  7. Take measures to maintain stability. Continue to implement the series of policies of the Central government and the TAR for maintaining stability. Work hard to create a harmonious and stable environment for development.

Jian Can and his entourage also answered question on the difficulties faced in Ngari prefecture and on the request for solving certain issues. On the occasion of hearing of the report, Padma Wangdu pointed out that the speech given by Jian Can was rich in content. He said” Our region must earnestly study the spirit of his speech, its main points, develop strategies, formulate action plans and see to it that it is implemented.”

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