Nepal’s state-owned news agency, China’s Xinhua to enhance ties

by Team FNVA

July 28, 2014

KATHMANDU — Nepal’s government-funded national news agency, Rastriya Samachar Samiti (RSS) and China’s Xinhua News Agency have pledged to promote cooperations.

Zhou Shengping, Xinhua’s Kathmandu bureau chief, and Kul Chandra Wagle, newly appointed Chairman of RSS, hold a meeting here on Sunday during which, Wagle expressed gratitude to Xinhua for its continued support in sectors of visual service and technical support.

“We are sure that we can increase our client base in Nepal with Xinhua’s assistance also by enhancing our service quality,” Wagle said.

RSS has a total of 200 subscribers across Nepal including newspapers, radio and TV stations and online news portals.

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