A group wedding was held in Lhasa of China

by Team FNVA

Julia Qin
China Tibet Online
September 4, 2014

A group wedding was held in Lhasa of China’s Tibet Autonomous Region on the evening of Sept. 2, 2014. Sponsored by the Tourism Bureau of Tibet Autonomous Region, the 2014 Tibet Holy Wedding will last for 12 days from Aug. 31 to Sept. 11, attracting 15 couples from across the country to take part in.

The wedding kicked off when the guests presented Hada to the new couples. Then, the bridegroom inserted a color arrow into the back of bride’s clothes, with the meaning that the bride will belong to the bridegroom in all their lives. Next, the couples offered respectful chemar(a box containing Tsampa), drunk highland barley wine and accepted blessing of the living Buddha.

Xiao Yao and Xu Zhen, a couple from the Chong Qing City, were very excited to take part in such a Tibetan wedding. They said: “we come to Tibet together, hoping to express the pure love to each other in this sacred place and leave the most beautiful memory in the life.”

The couples take a group photo. [Photo/China Tibet Online]

“Let the Mt.Kangrinboqe witness our love and Mapam Yumco Lake bless our bright future,” said the couples. During the 12 days activity, the couples will also visit the Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Tashilhunpo Monastery, Mt.Kangrinboqe, Mapam Yumco Lake, ruins of Guge Kingdom, ancient town of Gyangze and Yamzhog Yumco Lake.

According to Yao Hang, the chief editor of the co-organizer of the group wedding Tibet Tour, said: “The biggest difference between Tibet holy wedding and other group weddings is that it can introduce more regional wedding culture, and promote Tibet’s off-season travel and by tourism experience. Couples attending the group wedding could not only enjoy the plateau scenery, but also understand Tibet’s unique religious and folk customs.”

The couples offer respectful chemar(a box containing Tsampa), implicating a bumper grain harvest. [Photo/China Tibet Online]

A group wedding was held in Lhasa of China The bridegroom insert a color arrow into the back of bride’s clothes, with the meaning that the bride will belong to the bridegroom in all their life. [Photo/China Tibet Online]

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