American Consul in Chengdu visits Lhasa, Tibet

by Team FNVA

China Tibet Online
November 10, 2011

On November 3, Che Zala, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Tibet Autonomous Region and Secretary of the Lhasa Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, met with Mr. Eric Alexander, a consul of the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu, and his entourage.

Che Zala extended warm welcome to the consul and his party. “Not long ago, at the invitation of US President Barack Obama, Chinese President Xi Jinping made a state visit to America. The two presidents held in-depth, frank and constructive talks and reached broad consensus. The two sides achieved a series of important results,” he said..

Che Zala hoped Eric Alexander to look around during his visit to Lhasa to experience the unique charm of the city, further strengthen communication with the relevant departments, and promote exchanges and cooperation to constantly push forward the development of Sino-US friendly relations. Meanwhile, the consul was expected to introduce a true and beautiful Tibet and Lhasa to the American citizens and other parts of the world.

Eric Alexander expressed heartfelt gratitude to Che Zala’s warm reception and introduction. He spoke highly of Lhasa’s tremendous efforts in inheriting and carrying forward the traditional culture. He said: “The Sino-US relationship is very close. I would like to make more efforts for the pragmatic exchanges between sister cities. I sincerely hope the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu and Lhasa City to further strengthen exchanges.”

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