China criticizes Indian media for reporting its border intrusions

by Team FNVA

Tibetan Review
July 24, 2013

China’s official Xinhua news agency on Jul 23 accused the Indian media of hyping and sensationalizing “Chinese border intrusions,” adding they were harmful to the China-India relationship. “Such reports have only served to further sow misunderstandings between Indians and Chinese even at a time when their leaders are working hard to manage their differences and to build a constructive relationship that can benefit both sides,” said China’s official news agency in a commentary by its writer Wang Bowen.

The commentary called it unwise to let isolated incidents along the border to negatively affect the promising China-India relationship.

Meanwhile, India’s reported Jul 23 that there had been around 150 Chinese incursions into India during the last seven months, including four forays over the last 10 days. It added that the Joint Working Group on Border Mechanism, set up two years ago between the two countries to ensure peace and tranquility on the 4,000 km-long Line of Actual Control (LAC), would see India registering a formal protest over repeated transgressions by China.

The report also cited Indian officials as saying there had been more than 600 such Chinese border transgressions over the last two years due to difference of perception of the LAC. They have added that all the incidents were resolved in an amicable manner through flag meetings and diplomatic efforts.

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