China for end to Bhutan dispute

by Team FNVA

Saibal Dasgupta
Jul 29, 2014

BEIJING: Chinese state councilor Yang Jiechi on Monday called for a “comprehensive, fair and reasonable solution” to his country’s border dispute with Bhutan.

Yang said China is willing to work with Bhutan to reach a solution acceptable to both sides at an early date, the official Xinhua news agency reported.

He was speaking after a meeting with Bhutanese Foreign Minister Rinzin Dorje, who was here to attend the 22nd round of China-Bhutan boundary talks with Chinese vice foreign minister Liu Zhenmin on Friday. The visiting leader met Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi on Monday. Dorje said Bhutan attaches great importance to relations with China and is committed to solving the boundary issue.

He was quoted telling Chinese foreign minister that although the countries have not established diplomatic ties, “China has always adhered to a good-neighbor policy towards Bhutan”.

China recently announced a plan to connect Tibetan capital Lhasa by rail with India, Nepal and Bhutan by 2020. This offers a major opportunity to Bhutan to connect to the vast Chinese market.

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