China grants record number of PR to foreigners in Tibet

by Team FNVA

February 22, 2017

China today granted a record number of 118 foreigners the permanent residence status in the Tibetan holy city of Lhasa.

Permanent residence gives a foreigner in China access to health care, education, property and other benefits enjoyed by the locals.

The foreigners — including Swiss, French and Nepalese nationals — have been living in Lhasa for some time, state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

Foreigners require permission to visit Tibet.

Norgyel, an immigration police official, said the city has never before issued so many permanent residence permits at once.

“The move clearly shows the authorities’ commitment to improving procedures,” he said.

Earlier this month, Chinese government promised to improve rules and process for foreigners applying for permanent residency.

The move is critical for China’s talent development strategy, the report said.

Last year, 1,576 foreigners became permanent Chinese residents, an increase of 163 per cent over the previous year.

(This article has not been edited by DNA’s editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)

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