China launches book on it’s version of Tibet’s history

by Team FNVA

Tenzin Monlam
November 02, 2015

DHARAMSHALA, November 2: China on Friday released a book titled ‘The Comprehensive History of Tibet’ complied by China’s official academic institute.

With the motive to cover the “true history of Tibet”, the Chinese authorities claimed that the book would refute fallacies held by the West and the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
“The book clarifies many historical issues, refuting some fallacies against Tibet made by the Western anti-China forces and the Dalai clique,” Lhapa Phuntsog, Editor-in-Chief of the book, which comes in eight volumes.

“It is conducive to inheriting and developing excellent national cultural traditions, as well as cultivating the awareness of the Chinese national community and serving the stability and development of Tibet,” Lhapa told Xinhua, China’s mouthpiece.

However, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) in their response to China’s White Paper on September 28 accounted all the historical proofs of Tibet being separate and an independent country prior to Chinese invasion.

“History is against China and Tibet was never a part of China,” Lobsang Sangay, the politically elected leader of Tibet (Sikyong) said during the release of the response in September.

Citing similar view, Tashi Phuntsok, Secretary (Information) of Department of Information and International Relation said that China has always come out with materials such as White Paper to claim their authority on Tibet and the new book that was announced last week is similar to it.

“It is a tactic used by the Chinese government to write our history as per their accordance, which they claim to the whole world as the actual history,” he said.

Assuring that CTA shall carry out a thorough analysis when it receives the book, he said, “It is necessary to do an in-depth analysis of it.”

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