China may ask India about terror funding by RAW

by Team FNVA

November 3, 2015

A delegation from Beijing to visit New Delhi this month

NEW DELHI – A high-level Chinese delegation – scheduled to visit New Delhi this month – will seek certain explanations from Indian officials about funding and training of terrorists by the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) – the intelligence agency of India.

A report in local and foreign media shows that the Chinese officials are concerned about the reports about India-sponsored training camps for the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) in different parts of Afghanistan including Kunnar, Nuristan and Kandahar.

These trained mercenaries are not only carrying out terror acts in Xinjiang province of China but also creating potential threats to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) via Pak-Afghan border in Balochistan province.

According to the media reports, the Chinese officials will share evidences with the Indian officials while seeking strong assurances from the South Asian neighbour to completely withdraw all kind of support including financial to the ETIM militants in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

However, the Indian officials and its media are avoiding to speak or share any information about the upcoming visit by the Chinese delegation. The foreign media reports indicated that there were strong evidences of India’s financing and training of terror groups inside Afghanistan. Some Indian media also reported that India officially indicated to counter the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

China is reported to have taken the issue seriously, especially with regard to potential threats to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor by the saboteurs. A high-level defence delegation from China will also visit India this month. General Fan Changlong, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission which controls the Chinese armed forces and is headed by President Xi Jinping, will head the delegation.

Some defence analysts believe that Chinese military and civil officials will advise India government officials to avoid any kind of direct or indirect disturbance along the Indo-China border. After India visit, General Fan’s delegation will also visit Pakistan.

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