China takes Thai, Burmese journalists on Tibet excursion

by Team FNVA

Tibetan Review
August 6, 2013

In order to publicise its false propaganda about the true situation in Tibet, which still remains tightly closed to western diplomats and media, China has taken a group of six journalists from Thailand and Burma on a four-day excursion to Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) from Jul 30 to Aug 2. Indeed, Pashu, a journalist from the Bangkok-based The Nation, has expressed disappointment that he “could not meet with some serfs” there because the region “turned out to be quite a new Tibet”, reported China’s online Tibet news service Aug 5.

The report said Bianba Tashi, vice chairman of the TAR government, met with the journalists and “briefed them with historical data on the achievements in Tibet concerning society, culture, religion, education as well as communication.” And he wanted the journalists “to get closer to understand the everyday change of Tibet by talking with the natives and seeing their happy life personally” during their scripted tour.

The report said the journalists belonged to The Nation and the No. 9 Channel of Thailand TV from Thailand and to the Tianwang TV, the Seven Days Newspaper Week and the Seven Days Daily from Burma.

The report said, “the group also visited the Tibet Museum, Tibetan Medicine Manufacture Factory, housing project for herdsmen other than the Potala Place, Johkang Temple, Yumbulagang and Trandruk Temple.” (sic)

The group apparently did not do much else of journalism on their own.

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