China to conduct large-scale survey of Tibetan plateau

by Team FNVA

March 26, 2017
Beijing, Mar 26 (PTI) China will conduct a large-scale survey of the 4,000-metre-high Qinghai-Tibet plateau to study changes in its resources, ecology and environment, 40 years after the first such research was conducted.

The government of Tibet Autonomous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciences have agreed to launch a large-scale survey of the plateau.

Scientists will set out in June to investigate changes in resources, ecology and the environment on the plateau. Their findings will be used to provide scientific support for environmental protection and economic and social development in Tibet, state run Xinhua news agency reported today.

New technologies, including drones and satellites, will be employed to cover the whole area and capture more comprehensive and accurate scientific data, it said.

The first investigation was conducted in the 1970s, involving over 50 subjects such as geology, geophysics, botany, zoology and agriculture. PTI KJV KJ

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