China to work with India, Pak. to fight terror

by Team FNVA

The Hindu
November 3, 2015

Ahead of the Sino-India talks on countering terrorism, China today expressed “willingness” to work with both India and Pakistan in the fight against terror, raising hopes that it may take up with its all-weather ally New Delhi’s concerns about cross-border terrorism.

Responding to reports that the Indian government this time would push for greater cooperation from China on countering terrorism, including pressuring Pakistan to act on terrorist groups based in that country, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said such cooperation plays an important role in India-China relations.

“Chinese side is willing to stay in communication with India, Pakistan as well as other countries in the fight against terrorism,” she said, raising hopes that China, which has close ties with Pakistan, this time may take up India’s concerns over groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). Replying to a question about India’s concerns over terrorism, Hua said, “We believe the fight against terrorism in all forms will be conducive to peace, stability and security of each and every country as well as security and stability of the whole region.”

Ahead of the Wednesday’s meeting, Indian officials said in New Delhi that this time China’s help will be sought to prevail on Islamabad to rein in militants.

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