China’s Economic Roadmap for 2015

by Team FNVA

December 12, 2014

Xinhua reported that the Central Economic Work Conference, held from December 8 to 11, 2014, set new economic targets for 2015.

Xi Jinping spoke at the conference, giving an overview of the current economic situation and outlining the economic goals and tasks for 2015. Li Keqiang discussed the implementation of the economic priorities for 2015.

Xinhua said, “Our economy still faces many difficulties and challenges. There is a strong pressure pushing the economy downward. We face growing pains from the economic structural adjustments, increasing difficulties for businesses, and a surge in some economic risks.”

The major tasks for the economy next year are as follows:

1. Strive to maintain steady economic growth.
2. Actively search for and cultivate new growth points.
3. Accelerate the transformation of the agricultural development mode.
4. Optimize the pattern of geo-economic development. The overall strategy for regional development is to have the east lead, to develop the west, to revive the northeast, and to rise in central China.
5. Strengthen the protection and improvement of people’s livelihoods.

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