Chinese tourists in Chamoli

by Team FNVA
Colonel (Retd) Bhaskar Sarkar
July 30, 2016

The Uttarakhand government had alerted the Indian Central government that troops of the Peoples’ Liberation Army of China had crossed into Indian territory at Barahoti in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand on July 19, 2016 and camped in the area.

A Chinese attack helicopter had also intruded into the area for a short time. The troops withdrew when the Indian administration and border guards protested. India and China had agreed in 1958 that the area would be kept demilitarized.

The Central government has sought to down play the incident. The Defence Minister, Mr Manohar Parrikar clarified in Lok Sabha that there was no incursion by Chinese troops but only transgression. In Beijing, China’s Defence Minister also denied that there had been any intrusion by Chinese troops. Mr. Parrikar also added that there are 400-500 incidents of transgressions by Chinese troops every year. These are sorted out through flag meetings. He did not mention if Indian troops also transgress into disputed areas and if so, how often. The Defence Minister also emphasized that that there are differences in the perception of the location of the border between the two countries. That too is well known. 

Transgression means going beyond boundaries or breaking rules. Incursion on the other hand means a raid or brief invasion into someone else’s territory. In either case, Indian territory has been violated. We have been ignoring such violations as we are a weak or soft nation. We could also be trying to curry favour with the Chinese government in the hope that they will support our membership of NSG and a permanent seat at the UN Security Council. 

A foreigner who enters our country without intent to work, trade or conquer can only be classified as a tourist. The members of the Peoples Liberation Army who enter our territory thus can only be classified as tourists. Such tourists have been roaming our borders ever since the Chinese Army entered Tibet. Only problem is that sometimes these tourists decide to become permanent residents. These tourists roamed the Aksai Chin area of Ladakh in the fifties and have taken up permanent residence in the area. Though we continue to show the area in our maps as ours, we have tactfully ignored the Chinese presence in our country. There have also been occasions when we have not been so tactful. 

On 11 September, 1967, Chinese soldiers had fired on our troops at Nathu La on Sikkim-Tibet border. Then, Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi had no hesitation in ordering Indian troops to fight back. Another incident took place at Chu La on Sikkim-Tibet border on October 1, 1967. Mrs. Gandhi again ordered the army to fight back. It is worth noting that the Indian Army was much weaker in strength in 1967 but the leadership was unyielding. 

Chinese troops again transgressed or ingressed in strength into Sumdorong Chu area of Arunachal and built a helipad during the winter of 1987. The PM, Mr. Rajeev Gandhi, who had only a 38 inch chest, ordered the Indian Army to evict the intrusion. This was achieved with an outflanking move which forced the Chinese to withdraw.  

Mr. Parrikar is right when he says that there is a difference in the perception as to the location of the border between India and China. The difference is most pronounced in Kashmir where Indiarecognizes the Johnson Line as the border whereas the Chinese recognize the McCartney-McDonald Line. But the reality is that there is a Line of Actual Control. This is a line along which the troops of the two countries have been deployed since 1962. So how can Mr. Parrikar say that the troops on the ground do not know where the Line of Actual Control is?  

Under the BJP rule, the Hindutya brigade are the protectors of bharat mata and cow mata. These valiant patriots have been bashing up students of JNU and other institutions for anti-national activities and killing and thrashing Muslims and Dalits simply on unsubstantiated suspicion of eating or possessing beef. 

Will they also help in protecting Indian territory along our borders and ensure that the tourists from the People’s Liberation Army of China who intrude or transgress into Indian territory every day do not take up permanent residence in these areas? Or will they continue to display their patriotism and valour by killing or thrashing powerless and helpless Muslim and Dalit men and women on suspicion of being anti-national or for consumption of beef?


The relations between nations are not governed by relations between leaders but national interests and policies. Just as it is highly unlikely that BJP and Congress can come together to form an electoral alliance, it is unlikely that India and China can forget their differences. 

China sees India and Pakistan as equal political entities. It will not allow India to join NSG till Pakistan is also made a member. Neither will it ever allow India to have a permanent seat at UN Security Council. It will use its veto powers to prevent such an attempt by the west. Just as Islamic State or Al Qaeda and the west, Saudi Arabia and Iran, India and Pakistan can never be friends. India and China can never be friends. India can bend forward or backward. It can ignore Chinese intrusions into its territories. China will take advantage of Indian weakness and attitude. It will never allow India to become its rival at the world stage. 

The Hindutya Brigade can neither protect bharat mata nor cow mata. Their actions destroy the fabric and unity of the nation and weaken India. Many cows will die of starvation. The milk production will become economically unviable. Roads will be clogged with destitute cattle. The leather industry will die for lack of leather. They can only alienate the Muslims, Dalits and secularists and ensure that BJP is defeated in 2019 elections.

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