Deng Xiaogang conducts a survey on the work of development and stability along the border at Rutok province

by Team FNVA

Date of publishing: 09-07-2014

On the afternoon of 6 July, Deng Xiaogang (Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party committee & Secretary of the Political and Legal Standing Committee ) paid a special visit to Jaggang village Rutok county, Ngari to investigate the work of development and stability along the border. Deng Xiaogang emphasised that the spirit of the important directives given by the party committee of the autonomous region, the government, as well as the important work of development and stability done by Secretary Chen Quanguo, Chairman Lobsang Gyaltsen, in the border region, must be further implemented. We must give full efforts to implement the strategy of strengthening and consolidating the border and making the border area rich and flourishing, and also make a safe and stable barrier in the border region.

At the village committee of the Jaggang village, Deng Xiaogang shook hands and had close interactions with cadres of the village and the working group stationed at the village. After hearing the reports, views and opinions on the situations concerned, Deng Xiaogang briefed, saying that while on the way to this place (Jaggang village), he saw a neat and clean Jaggang village, the good and positive spirit of the masses of the cadres and how well every policy of the party committee of the autonomous region and the government had been implemented. He also said that he was gratified to see the realisation of a border area where the border was consolidated and the society was harmonious and stable. He said that he had just heard what the villagers had in their mind, and was educated, encouraged and enlightened by it. The masses of the cadres had good thoughts, were aware and had a firm political conviction. They shouldered responsibility, ensured that the land was protected and that the society at Ngari continued to remain stable. He could fully feel that the cadres of every ethnicity were grateful to the party, obeyed the party and had the resolution to follow the party. Hereafter he expressed his greetings and heartfelt gratitude to everyone on behalf of the party committee of the autonomous region, the government, Secretary Chen Quanguo and Chairman Lobsang Gyaltsen.

Deng Xiaogang emphasised that the party committee of the autonomous region and the government were very concerned about the development and the stability of the border area. The development and the stability of the border area is related to the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the country and is also related to the security, economic development, unity among the ethnic groups and social stability of Tibet’s border. Every level of the party and government at Ngari prefecture must work hard to make the border area stronger and more consolidated, make the border area flourish and the people prosper, make efforts to protect the social stability of the border area, make efforts to promote the developmental breakthrough of the border area and do one’s best to build a safe and stable barrier at the border.

ONE, we must give top priority to fulfilling our responsibility, steadily overwhelm every thought, get a firm hold on implementation of every measure regarding security and stability, protect the “Western Gate” of Tibet with one’s full might, ensure continuous new victories in the struggle against separatism, penetration and illegal immigration.

TWO, we have to gather and sum up our experiences, get a firm hold on the subject of joint struggle for unification of every ethnicity and their joint development. Believe in, rely on, mobilise, and organise the masses and carry out propaganda among them, perfect the mechanism of defense by the masses and governance by the masses, wage a people’s war of protecting the border, build a strong and impenetrable defense for protection against terrorism and for maintaining stability.

THREE, we must hold on to one truth. We must support the leadership of the Communist Party of China throughout. We must give full play to the role of struggle and battle by the grass root level party organisations and to the role of the members of the CPC as pioneers; continuously ram the party’s foundation so that it continues to hold power.
FOUR, we must attain a goal. Stick to guaranteeing and improving people’s livelihood as the starting point and as the ground to set foot on, expand channels for increase in wage of the farmers and the herdsmen, take steps that are beneficial for the people, let the masses of every ethnicity enjoy the fruits of reform, development and stability and lead a happy and healthy life.

FIVE, There is one point we need to keep in mind. Have activities to impart education on firmly developing the mass line of the party. Listen more, investigate more, dare to unmask weak points, dare to criticise and to carry out self criticism, work hard to make the activities more intense and make sure that the activities achieve pragmatic results.

In the end, Deng Xiaogang hopes that the masses and cadres of every ethnicity of Ngari would unite, make progress, do a solid job and work hard and struggle for comprehensively building a well off society by 2020 along with the rest of the country. He believes that there will be a good foundation for the cadres for working, and also a good material foundation. The overall situation of economic development, a harmonious society, prosperity among the people living near the border, a consolidated border, a good ecological environment will continue to prevail at the Ngari border area.

{A joint investigation and research by the comrade mainly responsible for the Rutog county, Ngari Prefecture with the working group that visited Ngari}

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