Documentary on Yarlung Zangbo River in Tibet Starts to Show on TV

by Team FNVA
September 7, 2015
Guo Jing

Photo taken on Aug. 8, 2015 shows the scenery of Yarlung Zangbo River in Shannan, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region. [Photo: Xinhhua]

Photo taken on Aug. 8, 2015 shows the scenery of Yarlung Zangbo River in Shannan, southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region. [Photo: Xinhhua]

A six-episode documentary on the Yarlung Zangbo River in Tibet has premiered on China Central Television.

It details the breath-taking natural scenery along the world’s highest river, local people’s life, and also the changes of the new Tibet.

Qi Kejun, director of the documentary, says the documentary also tells stories of ordinary people and demonstrates the tremendous changes and social progress achieved by Tibet after its autonomy.

“We let people narrate their own life stories and behaviors without any interferences, so that they can roll out true stories one by one.”

To capture the wonders of the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon, the camera crew of nearly 100 people went to dangerous areas covered by heavy snow.

The documentary took the crew more than one year to finish.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Tibet Autonomous Region.

Yarlung Zangbo River in Shannan, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region. [Photo:]

Yarlung Zangbo River in Shannan, southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region. [Photo:]

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