Echoes from the Tibetan Youth Convention: A growing experience

Tenzing Dhamdul, Research Associate, FNVA

by Tenzing Dhamdul

I recall checking my inbox and receiving an email from the National Democratic Institute (NDI) to attend the Tibetan Youth Convention in Dharamshala, as I had previously attended several of their events, including the Tibet Youth Day event last year. I was originally hesitant to join because I had already cancelled my participation at the International Tibet Youth Forum 2024 a few weeks ago because I had previously attended the forum in 2023, and on top of that, I had several commitments at Foundations for Non-violent Alternatives (FNVA) to fulfil. However, when I discussed this invitation with my trustees at the Foundation for Nonviolent Alternatives (FNVA). They insisted on my participation because two of our research interns, both V-TAGgers, were also scheduled to attend the International Tibet Youth Forum in Dharamshala and saw this as an opportunity where I would learn and grow. I was curious to learn more about the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), also known as the Tibetan Government in Exile, which was one of the main topics of the youth conference.


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