Fan Changlong: The entire army must support the decision regarding the handling of Zhou Yongkang and Xu Caihou

by Team FNVA

Xinhua Net
18 Aug, 2014

During the investigation of troops stationed at Qinghai and Tibet, Fan Changlong laid emphasis on further improvement in actual combat training and the ability of the troops to carry out tasks.

Lhasa (Xinhua net), August 17: Fan Changlong (Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission, Member of the Politburo of CPC) carried out investigation of the troops stationed at Qinghai and Tibet. He sincerely greeted and paid respect to the loyal officers and men stationed at the snow clad plateau defending the borders of the nation on behalf of Chairman Xi Jinping and the CMC (Central Military Commission). He emphasised that the entire army and the armed police must further implement the spirit of the series of important talks by Xi Jinping, must stick to the goal of strengthening the army in this new situation, concentrate on developing skills of war and must have military drills where they are further trained for actual combat. “The ability of the troops to carry out their roles in missions must be further developed and every task given by the party and the people must be completed resolutely.”

Fan Changlong pointed out that drills for actual combat is an important task that prepares the troops for battles and harsh demand. “With the spirit of the important directives given by Xi Jinping as the guide, stick to the truth, the difficulties, rigorousness and reality; be drawn by your task, led by your problems, promote the mechanisms and use the situations as your support; actually practice “four questions to be asked”-First, Is the guiding ideology of the drills correct? Resolutely correct the practice of participating in drills just for the sake of showing others, passive security etc. Second, ask if the organisation that plans the training is scientific. Practice making military strategies, develope a style of work. Third, ask if the situations under which you are practicing are up to the mark. For comprehensive efficiency, develop every type of training base and site for carrying out the drills. Fourth, ask if the supervision during the drills is strict or not. Do not be afraid of committing mistakes, making blunders and getting up again after facing a setback during the drills. Look back at and evaluate the actual situations of the previous wars and come up with conclusions. Work hard to make the troops quick and flexible, make them highly efficient in carrying out commands, good at both attack and defense and guarantee the building of a powerful elite squad.


Fan Changlong emphasised that our army is a people’s army which is under the absolute control of the party. The entire army and the armed police must resolutely implement the strategic deployment by the Central Party and Xi Jinping, staunchly endorse the investigation of the case filed against Zhou Yongkang and the right decision made by the Central Party after carrying out investigation on Xu Caihou. Be in unanimity with the Central Party in your thoughts and actions and obey the orders given by the Central Party and the CMC, reestablish the standards, get a good hold of the activity of the party of spreading education about mass line, make full efforts to correct and control all the inappropriate activities around you, fight corruption, punish corruption severely, always maintain the characteristic, objective and the inherent quality of the people’s party. The leaders among the cadres must build the pillar of a strong ideological line and spread the glorious tradition of our party and our army.

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