Hot air balloon named ‘Tashi’ soars high despite China gag

by Team FNVA

Tenzin Dharpo
​August 11, 2015

Photo: Crewe-Reed Photography

Photo: Crewe-Reed Photography

DHARAMSHALA July 10: A hot air balloon named ‘Tashi’ which means good luck in Tibetan flew over Bristol, UK taking part in the 37th edition of the ‘Bristol International Balloon Fiesta’ last week despite objection by Chinese government on several occasions.

The 100ft balloon with the Tibetan flag emblazoned on it started its journey on July 11, participating in balloon festivals across Spain and France before reaching England to take part in the festival that concluded yesterday.

The balloon’s flight has been monitored closely by the Chinese Embassies who have repeatedly emailed, phoned the organizers against allowing it to participate. Men claiming to be from the Chinese Embassy reportedly visited the festival venues.

Tashi’s co- pilot Paul Dopson, 45, and his wife Heaven Crawley, 44, from Stroud, Gloucestershire told Guardian that they have been informed by the festival officials in Spain that individuals claiming to be from Chinese Consul in Barcelona objected to their participation. They called for the balloon to be grounded on the basis that it was used as a ‘politically motivated platform’ to endorse Tibet’s separatist sentiments.

The balloon’s private sponsor however, is of the view that Tashi is highlighting the cause of ‘Tibetan autonomy’ and not ‘complete independence’ which is by and large the official and majority stand of the exile Tibetan struggle.

Co- Pilot Dopson told Guardian, “We are just balloon pilots flying a balloon that is just a Tibetan flag, there is no text, there is no wording, no political message.”

He added, “It certainly is very intimidating. When you hear of the Chinese actually arriving at the launch field, when we were in Spain, to see if the balloon is there, you think, ‘well, what can happen next?’ It’s a strange situation. We just didn’t foresee it at all.”

Attempts to confirm if the personnel were indeed from the Chinese Consul were met with stern statement which mentioned, “Tibet is an inalienable part of the People’s Republic of China, and China has sovereignty over Tibet.

Tashi’s trip although perturbed by Chinese objections flew over Europe doing what it was meant to do, to spread Tibet’s plight and to raise funds for charities working to support the cause of Tibet. it was blessed at the Sakya Tashi Ling Buddhist monastery near Barcelona before commencing her voyage.

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