India ‘decisive’ factor in solving China-Bhutan border dispute

by Team FNVA

Aug 14, 2012

Beijing: India’s influence over Bhutan would be a “decisive” factor in resolving border dispute between Beijing and Thimpu, a Chinese expert said.

“India has tremendous influence over Bhutan,” Fu Xiaoqiang, a researcher with the state-run China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations told the Global Times newspaper referring to the close Indo-Bhutan ties.

“If Bhutan can settle border issues with China, the result will certainly create norms that will likely be followed in the border talks between China and India,” he said.

His comments came as Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Fu Ying made a rare visit to Bhutan last week to take part in the 20th round of boundary talks between the two countries.

Fu’s visit took place in the backdrop of a surprise meeting between Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and his Bhutanese counterpart Jigmi Y Thinley on the sidelines of a UN meet in Rio de Janeiro in June, where the two expressed their desire to establish diplomatic ties.

Though neighbours, the two countries have not yet established diplomatic relations as Bhutan, a strongly ally of India, had remained aloof since 1951 from China after Beijing took firm control of Tibet, which shared borders with Bhutan.

Relations between Beijing and Thimpu remained traditionally strained following their border dispute.

The two countries shared about 470-km long contiguous borders and held 20 rounds of talks to resolve the dispute and inked an agreement promising to ‘Maintain Peace and Tranquillity on the Bhutan-China Border Areas’ in 1998.

Any settlement of the Bhutan-China border is regarded as significant for India as Chumbi Valley, a vital tri-junction between Bhutan, India and China border is just 500 km from Siliguri corridor.

Known as “Chicken Neck” it connects India’s land links with its North Eastern states as well as Nepal and Bhutan.

Fu who visited Bhutan on 10 August also met Bhutan’s King Jigme Singye Wangchuck.

Fu appreciated the importance the King attached in developing ties with China and his commitment to resolve the border issues, Chinese Foreign Ministry said.

The King, according to the ministry, said China has become Bhutan’s third largest trading partner and he “believes that a rising China will play a wise and balanced leadership role in the world”.

“Border talks have become the perfect platform for both sides to boost exchanges and cooperation. As long as the bilateral relations continue to move forward along the established track, the two countries will achieve the goal of solving the border issues and establishing formal diplomatic relations at an early date,” the ministry said.

The 20th round of talks were held between Fu and acting Bhutanese Foreign Minister Khandu Wangchuk in Thimphu.

“China hopes to make joint efforts with Bhutan on the basis of previous talks, continue to seek fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable solutions through friendly consultations and make the border line a bridge of friendship and cooperation between the two countries,” the Chinese minister

“Bhutan firmly pursues the one-China policy, thinks highly of China’s long-term foreign policy of treating all countries as equals, no matter large or small and good-neighbourly friendship and is willing to strengthen coordination with China on the international arena,” Wangchuk said.

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