India has done most for Tibet: Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay

by Team FNVA

Niti Central
Staff Reporter
September 10, 2015

Sikyong (equivalent to the Prime Minster) Dr. Lobsang Sangay of the Central Tibetan Administration who governs from Dharmasala in Himachal Pradesh talked about ‘Tibet and geopolitics of Asia’ during a discussion hosted by the Takshashila Institution.

Sikyong (equivalent to the Prime Minster) Dr. Lobsang Sangay of the Central Tibetan Administration who governs from Dharmasala in Himachal Pradesh talked about ‘Tibet and geopolitics of Asia’ during a discussion hosted by the Takshashila Institution.

On importance of discussions on Tibet

He began by posing a question as to why such kind of engagement is important. He said that it was important to have such discussions as Tibetans have enriched India. They have been guests here for many a decades now and have added their own flavour to India. Tibetans have also enriched the world. They have eschewed violence despite struggling for their right and place. Tibet is important for the world geopolitically, environmentally, and spiritually.

He added that scholars of Nalanda University introduced Buddhism to Tibet. He talked about how Tibetans have been supressed and they have to carry second generation chips which have their biometric details. Tibetans if break the strict laws imposed by China are black listed along with family.

He talked about how places of worship have been destroyed in Tibet and how they have rebuilt destroyed monasteries in India. He added that Tibetans follow Nalanda traditions of India.

On how to understand China

Dr. Sangay added that after the occupation of Tibet by China, the presence of Chinese can be seen on borders of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Burma. He also talked about PLA’s presence in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir too.

Giving a warning about how China occupies land, he said that Tibet’s narrative here was very important. He talked of how his parents used to worship Chinese army for helping them and building excellent roads and providing other services. It was only once the infrastructure was developed in Tibet that the Chinese army took over Tibet. Dr. Sangay said that,

“You cannot understand China without understanding Tibet’s narrative.”
He further warned that today China is doing the same to numerous countries that it did to Tibet.

On importance of Tibet for China

Dr. Sangay also threw light on why Tibet was so important for China. He explained that apart from Arctic and Antarctica, Tibet is the third largest source of snow. However, when the snow of Arctic and Antarctica melt it gets converted into salty water whereas, Tibetan glaciers are the source of most important rivers of Asia that provide fresh water to the Asian nations. He added that to avoid shortage of fresh water for Chinese people, China has taken over Tibet.

He also talked about how Tibetan nomads are forced to settle in urban areas and how in some urban areas the number of Chinese immigrants outnumber local Tibetans. He also added that local Tibetans are sidelined and Chinese immigrants are given many more benefits.

Dr. Sangay talked about how fast-melting glaciers of Tibet can be a cause of worry for Asian nations and he also talked about how China has built numerous dams on each river. Dr. Sangay also warned about how during war, these dams can become a weapon and how China can flood regions of other Asian countries, washing off roads, villages and farms. Thereby it can easily create food shortage and difficulty in moving towards flooded areas.

Also China in case of shortage of fresh drinking water can divert the flow of rivers or restrict the supply of water to its neighbours so that its nationals can get enough fresh drinking water. To prove his point he gave example of mysterious flood in the river Sutlej that occurred few years back.

On self-immolation by Tibetans

Dr. Sangay said that Tibetans immolate themselves but never ever hurt Chinese. He added that Tibetans are discouraged from opting for self-immolation but as yet they opt for it as protesters and their families are imprisoned and tortured brutally by Chinese. Chinese imprison the protesters and torture them so badly that by the time they are released from prison either they are dead or die soon after. Thus to attain quick death, Tibetans prefer self-immolation.

On Indian support

Dr. Sangay thanked India for allowing the Tibetans to stay in the country. He added that the day Tibet gets autonomy, it will be said that Gandhian principles have won. He concluded by stating that Tibet’s freedom would mean that Asian countries will have fresh drinking water. The optimist Sikyong added that Tibetans know that they will be successful in their mission soon and then they will go back to their country and tell all that India had helped them all these years in their struggle.

After his brief talk, Dr. Sangay answered questions raised by the audience.

You talked about success. What is your definition of success?

We seek genuine autonomy so that we can protect our tradition. I am product of democracy as of now we seek autonomy as feasible with China.

Will China change?

China will change in five to twenty-five years. We need to survive, strengthen and sustain to be successful. China will change too. May be due to internal conflicts or it may become more liberal or democratic nation. Who knows what future has in store for us. We seek rights from China for our dignity. We just need to keep our identity intact. We have strengthened and sustained ourselves. Dignity is matter of time. We just need to hold on.

Has India’s Tibet policy changed since May 2014?

India’s Tibet policy has been the same since 1947. Dalai Lama has made India his home since 1959. We are here. Tibet has been recognised as autonomous state by India. India openly never speaks about Tibet but it has done the most for us.

All political parties have supported Tibetans and we have thrived here. But we are greedy and we want Tibet to be declared as core issue for India by India on a political platform.

But yes, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi took oath, he invited me and made me sit in the front row while Chinese Ambassador was seated in the second row. This had the Chinese much irked.

What is the effect of colonisation by China?

Colonisation by China will kill Tibetan culture in Tibet, but Tibetans in India and world over will preserve it and world will only survive.

But yes, Tibetan culture is being revived in excellent manner. Tibetans are rebuilding monasteries and we each Wednesday talk, eat, speak, pray and dress in Tibetan way. Tibetans are getting educated and till class five we teach kids only in Tibetan language. We give them traditional education in modern way. When China occupied Tibet, it destroyed 99% of monasteries and 99% monks were disrobed. Chinese immigrants however are not in majority in Tibet once winter sets in as they are not able to bear the extreme weather and they go back to China during winter months.

Chinese stand on Tibet has hardened?

One to four plans of China were about economic set up in Tibet. Fifth plan was different. China only accepts Tibetan Autonomous Region as Tibet but they include leaders from surrounding areas for meetings about five year plans for Tibet.

On the cultural side, has new Nalanda University extended help to Tibet?

We are proud protectors of Nalanda University’s traditions but as of now we are not part of it. As we were mysteriously side-lined after it was funded hugely by Singaporean donor.

Why did Tibet not join the UN?

As we didn’t join the UN, today we face the India-China border problem. We accept that is was lack of knowledge that led to the demise of Tibet. We criticise our former leaders for this but it is not easy to think of it like that. No country came forward to help us then. When we filed thrice later in UN Assembly it passed three resolutions but no where China was mentioned. India too didn’t take UNSC seat and offered it to China.

Your message to all gathered here?

I thank Indian government and the state of Karnataka for hosting the largest number of Tibetans in India. Here in Karnataka 50 to 60% monks are from Himalayan states. We had international schools where foreigners used to study. I feel that soft power works against hard power of military is my advice to India.

China has six air fields on the other side of border whereas, India has only one. Only soft power will help. Tibetans nomads are guarding border of India with China. Monks educated here go back and spread knowledge.

We will succeed thanks to India’s help but I will add that we have been law-abiding people and we are very honest people. Lala’s in Punjab give loans to Tibetans to buy woolens without any collateral or agreements just on the basis of a hand note with the names and addresses of Tibetans written on them. Tibetans repay their loans 99.9% times and so people trust them.

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