India has told China of concern over Chinese troops in

by Team FNVA

08:08 PM,Aug 17,2012

Kaur New Delhi, Aug 17 (PTI) India has raised with China the issue of presence of Chinese security forces in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) and has conveyed that Pakistan has been illegally occupying parts of Jammu and Kashmir since 1947, government told the Lok Sabha today. “Government is aware that China is executing infrastructure projects in PoK,” Minister of State for External Affairs Preneet Kaur said in a written reply. “Government has raised this issue with the Chinese side and has clearly conveyed India’s consistent position that Pakistan has been in illegal occupation of parts of Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir since 1947,” Kaur said. China regards Kashmir as a bilateral matter to be settled between India and Pakistan, she said, adding “government has conveyed its concerns to China and about their activities in PoK and has asked them to cease such activities.” Replying to a separate question on violation of Line of Actual Control (LAC) by Chinese troops in Arunachal Pradesh, she said “China disputes the international boundary between India and China. There is no commonly delineated LAC in the border areas between India and China.”

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