India must stop appeasing China, it’s time to follow a strong policy

by Team FNVA
Indian political masters whether it was Nehru, Rajiv Gandhi, Atal Bihari Vajpayee and now Narendra Modi all have followed only one policy for China, appeasement at all cost. This has cost country very dearly, especially in the strategic field.
Now even smaller countries like Sri Lanka and Nepal are cocking a snook at us. Reason for this meek and timid policy against china is because all these politicians and their advisors (bureaucrats) are clueless so far as strategy, especially military strategy is concerned.
Still our political masters refuse to take any strategic advice from armed forces chiefs whose daily bread and butter is strategy. It is babus (bureaucrats) they prefer who feel very happy in keeping country in a status quo wrap not wanting any change. This has helped China in a very big way. China is a known bully. It is even trying to bully America. With this lame duck policy of ours every time we appease China it hardens its stand against us and this is a never ending cycle.Delving into history in 1950 China attacked independent, Tibet which was a buffer country between India and China. Tibet requested Nehru to intervene but Nehru did not even lift a finger. Then Tibet requested Nehru to at least raise this issue in UN Security Council, again Nehru refused. In 1954 Nehru accepted Tibet as integral part of China and now our borders were directly touching Chinese border all along 4003 km Himalayan heights.

China took full advantage of this timidity by Nehru and quietly started gobbling our territory. Nehru woke up only when China attacked India to teach it a lesson. By this time Nehru-Krishna Menon duo had reduced Indian army to a police force. Still they fought with old world war weapons heroically but could not stop China from annexing 40000 sq. km area in Ladakh known as Aksai Chin.

In Arunachal Pradesh also China captured lot of territory but Chinese had to vacate because they could not supply their troops there. Then Atal Bihari Vajpayee went to China in 2003 and gave it in writing to China that Tibet belongs to China. Credit must go to UPA government that in 2010 it refused to accept Tibet as part of China.

In 2014 Modi government came. Despite Modi’s visit to China and Chinese president Xi Jinping’s visit to India nothing much has been achieved. It will not be achieved in future also. Out timidity continues and China is as usual bullying us at the same time investing 48 billion dollars in Pakistan for China-Pak economic corridor. Once this corridor is complete and rail and road network is laid from Karakoram pass to Gwadar port in Baluchistan, China would have encircled us on land in the North as also west. In south Chinese Navy is increasingly getting active in Indian Ocean. China is already developing Habbontola port in Sri lank and Chittagong port in Bangladesh.

In other words in a few years’ time we will be hemmed in from all sides. China is also using Pakistan against us. Very recently it has given to Pakistan Shaheen Ballistic missiles. It is co-producing with Pakistan JF-Thunder Fighter jets and it is also giving Pakistan eight diesel-electric submarines.

It is time Modi government starts listening to the advice of the three armed forces chiefs. How will Modi Make in India succeed if China buys raw material from India and them dumps finished goods in our market? America has today warned India that China is increasing its troop strength in Tibet. In POK also Chinese army is seen along LOC.

It is time India should shed its delusion about china. Both China and Pakistan are our enemies and we must go all out to modernize and update our armed forces. Himalaya is our best defense. As long as we continue manning those 62 passes on Himalayas we are quite safe. India now must follow a strong policy towards China. Let us not be a dumping ground for Chinese goods. Our best bet is to make deep friends with Japan and Israel. We must act tough and safe guard our national interests.

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