Invitation to Press Conference: Leaked Document Exposes State-sanctioned Repression in Tibet’s Diru County

by Team FNVA

In the past years, the Chinese government has been launched severe political and religious crackdown on Tibetans living in Diru (Driru) County in Nagchu Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region.

The violent crackdown is being implemented under the so-called ‘Mass Line’ campaign in Diru and elsewhere in Tibet. Under the rubric of this campaign, Chinese authorities are creating “new socialist villages” whereby Tibetan lands are forcibly appropriated and their traditional dwellings demolished to make way for concrete building blocks in Diru.

When Tibetans peacefully resist these injustices, they are beaten up, jailed and even executed by the Chinese security forces. Moreover, monks and nuns are being subjected to mind-numbing political education, leading to serious disruption of their religious studied.

Diru has now become one of the most repressed Tibetan areas in the People’s Republic of China.
TCHRD recently obtained a set of official Chinese documents that exposes the scale and depth of state-sanctioned repression in Diru. The contents of these documents will be released a press conference.

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