Meng Jianzhu spares no effort for the ‘leap frog development’ and long term peace and stability of Tibet

by Team FNVA

Date of publishing: July 25,2014

From 17-23 July, Meng Jianzhu (Secretary of Central Politics and Law Commission of the Communist Party of China / Member of the Politburo) visited Lhasa and the Lhoka Prefecture. He extended his warm wishes and reverence to the masses of Cadres and the law enforcement officers there, and inspected the work undertaken towards stability in Tibet. He inspected grass root level units, the sub districts, towns and villages, pastures, the Tibetan Buddhist monasteries, institutions and enterprises and moulded their ideology, beliefs and perceptions in line with the party thinking.

During the inspection he laid emphasis on implementing the series of directive policies for work in Tibet given by the Central Party and the spirit of the series of the important speeches delivered by Xi Jinping, especially the important strategy of “For ruling the country rule the borders, for ruling the borders first make Tibet stable”. He said “Keep a clear head, be aware of potential danger, spread good traditions and collect experiences of success. Make innovations in the field of social governance, further promote peaceful development. Put in effort to further protect and promote social stability and unity among the ethnic groups, and the capability and standard of serving people from every ethnicity. Contribute to the long term peace and stability and the developmental breakthrough of Tibet.” Chen Quanguo (Party Secretary of TAR), Padma Choling (Chairman of TAR People’s Congress and Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party), Lobsang Gyaltsen (Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party and Chairman of TAR), Chen Xunqiu (Chairman of Central Comprehensive Management office and Vice Secretary of the Political and Judiciary Commission under CPPCC), Wu Yingjie (Deputy Secretary of the TAR Party Committee) and Deng Xiaogang (Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice-Chairman of TAR and the Secretary of the Political and Legal Standing Committee) accompanied Meng Jianzhu during the inspection.

Every political unit and comprehensive management unit shoulders an important responsibility in the work of stabilising Tibet. Meng Jianzhu conveyed his regards to the law enforcement officers. He heard the work reports and asked for opinions and suggestions. He also acknowledged the success achieved in every political work in Tibet. At the civilian police station of the Potala Palace Square in Lhasa, and the civilian police station at Deji area of Tsethang, Meng Jianzhu inspected the security and police equipments. He asked the police on duty, about the condition of public security and the services they can offer to the people. Meng Jianzhu hoped that they develop the inclination of serving the people. “In the management of services, expand the field of service, work hard to solve each and every problem, handle every fact and actually make the people feel that they are living in peace and harmony and feel the warmth of the party and the people”. Meng Jianzhu investigated the environment and security measures at the jails of TAR and the detention camps of Lhasa. He talked to the prisoners and encouraged them to truly repent and transform themselves, struggle to return to the society as soon as possible and become a person useful to the society. Meng Jianzhu pointed out in the work report of the Party Committee and the Political and Judiciary Committee of TAR that for the past few years, in the process of development and achievement stability, Tibet has had extremely useful results. All the party members, cadres and masses of the region, especially all the units and the police cadres, have had the courage to shoulder tasks and initiatives to resolutely attack separatist activities and ensure overall stability of Tibet, perfect the system of defense, consolidate the base for the building a peaceful Tibet, adhere to the principle of development for the people, implement the policies; do work that brings benefit to the people, the monasteries and the monks; bring the minds of the people to rest, rely on the masses, mobilise masses; join hands to build a harmonious, peaceful and beautiful homeland, strengthen the foundation (of masses) for the stability and development of Tibet.

Meng Jianzhu placed clear demands on further enhancing political and legal work in Tibet. He pointed out that the work of peace and stability in Tibet is related to the overall social stability and security of the nation. We must have a deep understanding of the long term nature of struggle against separatism; strengthen political awareness, sense of responsibility, and awareness about potential dangers. Fighting against separatist tendencies should be the most important political task for the development and stability of Tibet. We have to strictly be on guard, attack every separatist activity and potential threat, violence, or any such criminal activity. We must safeguard the unity of the nation and the social stability. We must firmly establish awareness and trend of setting goals, enforce laws for the people, give justice to the people, do our best to improve our ability to serve the people and do more that are for the benefit of the people. We must give legal and judicial assurance so that people can live in peace and work happily, and unite the people of every ethnicity around the party and the government.

One of the focal points of Meng Jianzhu’s inspection was innovating social management and to carry out peaceful objectives. Tibet started the innovative work of commencing the ‘pairs of joint household’. They made 5-10 city and town households into a single joint household. They would have joint representation, the members of the joint households would together enjoy benefits, bear responsibilities, come together to patrol for public security and security checks, solve disputes, improve the environment and thus come together to form a model governance where “joint households protect peace and gain more benefits”. At the community level (Dan Kinjie) of the Chengguan district of Lhasa, Meng Jianzhu created working conditions so that the workers there understand the model of “pairs of joint households”. Thereafter he went to Sonam Wangdu’s place, talked to his children and the rest of his family. Sonam Wangdui praised the constructive activities and expressed his gratitude to the party and the government. At the La Gen village of the Damshung County, Meng Jianzhu paid a visit to local households and was very happy to see the positive changes “pairs of joint households” had brought about in the lives of the herdsmen, and wished that they become more prosperous. Meng Jianzhu said “The results of the ‘pair of joint households’ proves once again that we must mobilise the masses and rely on them for protecting the stability of Tibet. Only if the people from every ethnicity are truly supported, the society would be strengthened. We have to fully bring out the zeal, innovativeness and the spirit of taking initiatives to the people. We must strengthen the grass root level defense and governance by the people; introduce a trend of helping each other and making joint efforts for bringing peace, also peace between neighbors results in social harmony and peace in the community results in peace in the society. After the network management office at Zedang received the technical knowhow of network management, the efficiency of management of social services have clearly increased. The crime rate and complaints regarding security issues have declined drastically. The sense of security and level of satisfaction among people is on the rise.” He stressed that with information as the main pillar, one must plan on using every resource, strengthen the basic infrastructure and build a complete and dynamic defense network of public security. One must dissolve disputes, potential threats to public security and elements causing instability at the ground level, nip it in the bud and strengthen the foundation for long term social peace and stability.

Meng Jianzhu attached great importance to the healthy development of Tibetan Buddhism. He paid a special visit to the Jokhang Temple, Drepung, Trandruk and the Sera Monasteries and had one to one talks with the representative monk of every school of Tibetan Buddhism and cadres living in the monasteries. He heard everybody’s suggestions and opinions. Lhagpa, an eminent monk of Jokhang temple said, “The leaders of every level have treated us as relatives and friends. They have provided facilities of water, road and electricity to the monasteries. They have given the monks health and old age insurances. We express our heartfelt gratitude to the party and the government.” The head of the Buddhist association of Lhasa said, “The monks who have left their homes in the pursuit of peace and happiness for every living being are bound to take up the responsibility of spreading patriotism and suppress separatist forces. We will comply to the wishes of these masses of monks and support them.” Meng Jianzhu expressed his gratitude to the masses of the monks who have contributed to the Tibet’s harmony and stability. He pointed out that Buddhism is an integral part of the glorious Chinese culture. Love for the country, love for religion, abiding by the laws and regulations, giving up on evil and spreading good, advocating harmony and praying for peace has always been the basics of Tibetan Buddhism. He hoped that the Tibetan Buddhist circle will spread the good tradition of the eminent monks of loving the nation and religion, stop people from doing evil, encourage them to be good, resolutely oppose separatist and destructive forces. He said, practical steps must be taken for protecting the harmony of monasteries and serving the religious masses. We must have the determination of saving the world, one has to take initiatives for regional peace; to abide by the law and take to abstinence, work towards self improvement with a humble heart, constantly raise the standard of Buddhism, actively promote the compatibility of Tibetan Buddhism and a socialist society and continue to contribute to national unity, unity among the ethnic groups and social harmony.

Meng Jianzhu took a great liking for the political and lawful police cadres selflessly given by Xuecheng plateau. At the Public Security Department of the TAR and Armed Police Corps of Tibet, he took part in a video chat with workers on duty to convey his regards. He said, “Let us all hold fast to the roof of the world, keep the commitment made to the party and the people in mind, forget if it is day or night, forget if it is a working day or a holiday and sincerely work for our mission and our duty. Work hard for national security, stability of Tibet and serve the masses of every ethnic group. Some comrades have even given their precious lives for this purpose. Reality stands witness that the legal and political troops are loyal to the party, brave and skilled at war and are undoubtedly the defenders of the party and the people. I wish all of you could set a good trend of excelling at facing hardships, struggling, patience and dedication. Inculcate the qualities of always being loyal to the party, the nation, the people and the law; do everything in your capacity to safeguard the social stability and national security.”

Meng Jianzhu demanded that building of the political and legal troops be further strengthened and the ideological basis of obeying the directives of the party, and being dedicated to the mission must be strengthened he said that political standard, standard of work and the ability to fight corruption and forestall moral degradation must be raised constantly and a political and legal troop skilled and loyal to the party, to be built. He said, “The political and legal police cadres had a job where they have to work in extreme cold and oxygen deficit conditions, the conditions are harsh and the work is heavy. All levels of leaders and cadres must be more concerned about taking care of them and think of ways and means of improving the working conditions of the police cadres, solving the actual difficulties and their family worries. It has to be ensured that the troops must look up to struggle, and contribute their wisdom and strength for the continued stability, long term stability and the comprehensive stability of Tibet.”

While hearing progress report with regard to the peace and stability work of Tibet, Meng Jianzhu appreciated the fact that in the recent years, Tibet’s development has been rapid, great changes have been brought in and the people were happy and the society was stable. He pointed out that the Party Committee of TAR and the government were sincerely implementing the spirit of the series of important speeches delivered by Xi Jinping, had united and led the masses of cadres and appropriately handled the balance between reform, development and stability, and adopted a number of measures suitable to Tibet. They have taken solid steps for promoting the developmental breakthrough and long term peace and stability of Tibet and achieved substantial results. He believe that with the Central Party under the strong leadership of Xi Jinping and the joint struggle of the cadres of each ethnicity, Tibet will definitely have a bright future.

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