Mon residents demand autonomous council at Tawang rally

by Team FNVA

Business Standard
November 25, 2013

Residents of the sleepy town of Mon in Arunachal Pradesh’s Tawang District on Monday demanded the setting up of a Mon Autonomous Council, and said they were ready to sacrifice their lives for this long cherished goal.

Shouting slogans like “Jaan bhi denge, khoon bhi denge Mon Autonomous Council ke liye jaan bhi denge; milna hai, milna hai, Mon Autonomous Council jaldi milna hai; Bhrat sarkar jaag jaoo hamari mang puri karo” (We sacrifice life and blood for Mon Autonomous Council; Mon Autonomous Council should be granted immediately; Wake up Govt of India, meet our demand), about 20,000 people attended a massive march-cum-rally from Tawang Monastery to the general ground here.

Holding banners with inscriptions – Guaranteeing autonomy is the framework of equality; The Drive for autonomy is the drive for self-respect; Autonomy is the mother of choice and freewill – the gathering comprising of young and old, monks, NGO representatives, students and leaders of Tawang and West Kameng districts attended the event

Mon Autonomous Region Demand Committee (MARDC) chairman Rev T G Rinpoche, Tourism and WRD Minister Pema Khandu, Parliamentary Secretaries Jamey Tashi (Civil Aviation) and Tsewang Dhondup ( Art and Culture), first Tawang MLA Tashi Khandu, former ministers Karma Wangchu and Thupten Tempa walked the four-km long road hand in hand as slogans constantly echoed in the atmosphere.

“The demand within the Constitution of India for self-rule by the people with a provision to protect own culture and identity is the outcome of a unanimous resolution adopted by the people on October 2 last, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi,” Rev Rinpoche said in his address to the gathering.

“He who cannot protect his identity and culture is unfit to be a human being,” Rev Rinpoche said, adding “We all would follow the Gandhian principle of non-violence without compromising with our demand and continue our struggle till the demand is met,” to the thunderous applause of the gathering.

“It is time to assert our right as the state government is with us after the state assembly adopted a unanimous resolution demanding Mon Autonomous District Council (ADC) for Tawang and West Kameng districts and Patkai ADC for Tirap and Changlang district (Longding included) and pending in the Centre’s court on September 23 last for the third time after 2004 and 2007,” Rev Rinpoche added.

The people have decided to donate their one-month’s earning for the cause. But if the demand is not met on time, a Delhi chalo movement would be launched followed by the mass resignation of elected leaders, Rev Rinpoche added.

Chief Minister Nabam Tuki had informed the house that the state is under 6th Schedule of the Constitution and Panchayati Raj is effective as per 73rd Amendment Act. Pointing out that brining the state under the required provision is the prerogative of the Centre, he assured to pursue the matter.

Notably, Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Tripura states are under the 6th Schedule of the Constitution with scheduled area provision for creation of ADC, whereas Arunachal Pradesh has not been given that constitutional benefit within the 6th Schedule, according to constitutional expert.

Moreover, Article 244A has a provision for creation of an autonomous state within the state of Assam.

The same Article resulted in creation of Chandigarh and Pudduchery, the expert said, adding Constitution amendment is the only solution.

One after other leaders reiterated the demand in their address to the gathering in the general ground and the mass gathering repeatedly gave univocal approval.

“When I informed over telephone now, the CM and Lok Sabha member Takam Sanjoy assured that they would meet UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh with the memorandum in December next,” Pema Khandu said in his address to a standing ovation of the gathering.

It may be recalled that Union Road, Transport and Highway Minister Oscar Fernanades and Petroleum and natural Gas Minister Veerappa Moily, responding a question from this editor on the issue during their recent visit to the state capital, had clarified that the Constitution has provisions to meet the aspirations of all ethnic groups of India and any genuine demand moved the state government would be considered.

While many leaders called for fulfilling the demand within April 2014, 15 leaders including Rev Rinpoche, Dhondup and Tashi, in the memorandum through Minister Pema Khandu addressed to UPA chairperson, the Prime Minister, Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde, pointed out that the demand of the minority Monpa tribe inhibiting both the districts was recommended to the Centre in 2004.

As Monpas, Buddhist by religion; have distinct age-old culture, script, culture and tradition, the demand aimed at preserving their culture, tradition, script and language through self-governance as it would help frame need-based plans and policies and ensure its proper implementation while facilitating blending of traditional system of governance appropriately with modern methods within the provisions of the Constitution.

“It should not be construed as an act of secession from the state but as an effort to develop a mechanism for proper development of the Monpas through self-governance,” the memorandum said, and pleaded for a positive response to the legitimate demand before the ensuing parliamentary elections.

Later, the leaders led by Khandu handed over a separate memorandum addressed to the home secretary to Tawang deputy commissioner Abhisek Deb.

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