No change in China policies if BJP wins

by Team FNVA

Global Times
April 21, 2014

With Indian general elections underway, the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) seems on course for a win. But after BJP prime-ministerial candidate Narendra Modi threatened a tougher attitude on border disputes with China recently, there have been worries about relations between the two Asian giants in case of a BJP victory. Is the BJP confident of victory? What will this mean for relations with China? Global Times (GT) correspondent Rajeev Sharma based in New Delhi interviewed Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi (Naqvi), the BJP vice president, on these issues.

GT: Many see Indian elections as a jamboree where politicians across party lines give postdated checks to the electorate by making empty promises and never keeping them. What’s your perspective?

Naqvi: As far as the BJP is concerned, our 2014 election manifesto binds us to deliver on every single commitment and promise, and we shall implement every single promise made in the manifesto if we come to power.
In the past too we have proved this. See our track record in the 1998 and 1999 elections when then prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee led India. As for the promises made by the Congress Party, these are simply farewell promises.

GT: Some believe the 2014 election is transformative, becoming digital and urban, rather than traditional “pro-rural” orientation. You have campaigned for the BJP all over the country. Is this impression correct?

Naqvi: That’s true in some ways. The 2014 election is an election for good governance and development.
In this election the caste and community barriers have been demolished and every section of society and every part of the country is voting for a prosperous India.

GT: Recent infighting and bickering over the leadership of Modi couldn’t have come at a more inopportune time for the BJP when it is smelling victory. What’s your view?

Naqvi: Modi and BJP are made for each other. There is no difference between a Modi wave and a BJP wave, and there will be no difference between a Modi government and a BJP government.
As far as the so-called infighting and bickering is concerned, the BJP is a cadre-based party, we have faith in our inner-party democracy and every party worker is free to raise his voice at appropriate party forum.
In this election, every party worker and leader is committed for the formation of a Modi-led government which will be committed to good governance.

GT: Modi’s overseas image is not good. The Economist endorses Rahul Gandhi. And Modi is still barred from entering the US. What’s your comment?

Naqvi: Action speaks louder than words. I know there are some prejudiced mindsets. Why they have such a mindset in the first place is a question that is best answered by these people themselves. But as far as we in the BJP are concerned, definitely we are confident that after Modi becomes prime minister, all such perceptions and prejudices will end.

GT: Will there be radical foreign policy changes, particularly versus China, if the BJP wins and comes to power?

Naqvi:Most foreign policies of any country never change with the change of establishment or government. As far as China is concerned, it is our old friend. Economies of both countries depend on each other’s trust.
Earlier, the BJP-led Vajpayee government had proven good relationships with China and other countries. If our party comes to power, we will ensure better relations with China.

GT: The border issue with China is used as a card by the BJP against the current government. Will the BJP turn confrontational with China on the border issue if it wins?

Naqvi: We are not a closed country. Our priority is to solve every issue through amicable dialogue.
Out government will work toward better relations between India and China in the coming days.

GT: The Aam Aadmi Party’s anti-corruption declaration has won public applaud. How do you see this?

Naqvi: Some parties are working as a proxy of the Congress Party. The Congress Party has fielded some proxies against the BJP and Modi, but they are exposed. Our alliance, the National Democratic Alliance, now has 28 political parties in its fold.

GT: Last year, Uttar Pradesh, your home state, witnessed major communal riots in Muzaffarnagar. Ethnic conflicts in the northeast too keep coming on center stage, off and on. How do you look at the twin issues and what will be the BJP’s strategy if it comes to power?

Naqvi: Our commitment is to development, security and prosperity for all. The BJP is committed for harmony among all sections of the society. Modi will run the government on the lines of the Vajpayee government.
We believe in inclusive growth and no community, caste or sect will be discriminated against.

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